Holly Jackson


Holly Jackson
Student Success Librarian/Associate Professor

In progress: Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Adminstration - Slippery Rock University

Certificate in Management - Tulane University

Master of Library & Information Science - University of Kentucky

Master of Arts in English Literature - Wright State University

Bachelor of Arts in English Literature - Wright State University

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Holly is the Student Success Librarian for Commonwealth University and is located at the Mansfield Campus. Her research primarily deals with library instruction/assessment, library collaborations, student employees in library collaborations, gamification in the classroom, and academic librarianship. Along with her librarian duties, she’s also the advisor for Alpha Sigma Alpha and the Carontawan yearbook.


  • Jackson, Holly A. "Using existing fandoms to create your own library stories: How a Harry Potter-inspired murder mystery introduced first year students to the library." Once Upon a Time in the Academic Library: Storytelling Skills for Librarians, eds. Maria Barefoot, Sara Parme, and Elin Woods. Chicago: ACRL, 2022.
  • Izenstark, Amanda, Ann Agee, Holly A. Jackson, Anna Sandelli, and Lindsay Roberts. "So you want to publish: Becoming a researcher." College & Research Libraries News, vol. 82, no. 1, Jan. 2021, pp. 10-13. doi: 10.5860/crln.81.1.10.
  • Jackson, Holly A. Sharing spaces and students: Employing students in collaborative partnerships. Chicago: ACRL, 2020.
  • Jackson, Holly A. “Collaborating for student success: An e-mail survey of U.S. Libraries and Writing Centers.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 43, 2017, pp. 281- 296.
  • Jackson, Holly A. and Jill Tussing. “Rework, reuse, reflect on your research: Writing Center and Library collaborations.” 2016 LOEX conference proceedings (Library orientation series No. 49), 2017.