Gregory Walker


Greg Walker

Ph.D. 2003, University of Illinois at Chicago

M. A. 1996, Illinois State University

A. B. 1993, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Contact Information

Courses Most Commonly Taught

  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Contemporary Social Problems
  • Sociological Research
  • People and Production
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Rural America
  • Sociology of Deviance
  • Firearms and Americans
  • Seminar: Sociology of Masculinity
  • Seminar: Sociology of Economics

Areas of Expertise

  • Work Safety, Rural Communities, Urban Communities, Industry, Economics, Stratification, Gender, Race

Courses Developed

  • Sociology of Organizations
  • Sociology of Deviance
  • Sociology of Masculinity
  • Sociology of Economics

Research Areas

  • Industrial Sociology
  • Work Safety
  • Masculinity
  • Whiteness Studies

Articles Published

  • Walker, Gregory W. Rev of The Male Body at War, by Christina Jarvis.  Journal of Americans Studies. Aug 2005: 322-324.
  • Walker, Gregory W. “Disciplining Protest Masculinity,” Men and Masculinities. July 2006: 5-22.
  • Walker, Gregory W. Rev of Doormen, by Peter Bearman. Anthropology of Work Review. Sept 2007: 32-33.
  • Walker, Gregory W. “American Society” Chapter 11 in A Survey of the United Kingdom and the United States of America.  Peking University Press, Beijing, People's Republic of China, 2nd ed., 2008.
  • Walker, Gregory W. “A Safety Counterculture Challenge to a Safety Climate,” Safety Science. March 2010: 333-341.  
  • Walker, Gregory W. Rev of Racial Ambivalence in Diverse Communities, by Meghan Burke. Ethnic and Racial Studies.  Forthcoming.