Fredrick Schulze


Fredrick (Rick) Schulze Profile Picture
Professor, Health Science

D.Ed., Health Education — The Pennsylvania State University

M.Ed., Health Education — The Pennsylvania State University

Contact Information

Courses Most Commonly Taught

  • HLTH105 Introduction to Health
  • HLTH140 Introduction to Public Health
  • HLTH315 Consumer Health
  • HLTH320 Drug Education
  • HLTH401 Current Issues in Health
  • HLTH430 Women’s Health Issues
  • HLTH485 Professional Field Experience in Health Science
  • HLTH620 Applied Research and Statistics

Areas of Expertise

  • HIV prevention in rural communities
  • LGBTQ health
  • Substance abuse prevention
  • Community health assessments
  • Courses Developed
  • HLTH140 Introduction to Public Health
  • HLTH644 Assessment and Planning for Health Programs 2

Professional Publications

  • Schulze, F. (2020).  Community Engagement as a Board Member:  Lessons Learned from a Health Education Specialist.  Society for Public Health Education.
  • Schulze, F. (2019).  Initiating a PrEP Clinic in a Rural Region:  Challenges for a Community-Based AIDS Service Organization.  Society for Public Health Education.
  • Schulze, F. (2019).  The “New” AIDS Service Organization and Role of the Health Educator.  Society for Public Health Education.
  • Schulze, F., Aragona, S., and Chicko, W. (2019).  A Call to Action for LGBTQ and Ally Campus Groups:  Increasing Access to PrEP.  Mid-Atlantic LGBTQ Conference.
  • Schulze, F. and Burkhart, K. (2018).  Lessons from the Field:  Health Education Advocacy and Rural HIV/AIDS.  Society for Public Health Education webinar.
  • Schulze, F. and Burkhart, K. (2017).  Rural AIDS Advocacy:  A Success Story.  U.S. Conference on AIDS.
  • Schulze, F.(2017).  Creating the LGBTQ Campus Climate Assessment:  Utilizing Health Educator Competencies.  Society for Public Health Education.
  • Paul, J., Schulze, F., and Langley, C.  (2017).  Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and Related Risk Behaviors Among African American University Students:  Implications for Health Educators.  Society for Public Health Education.
  • Anwuri, G., Dunn, M. and Schulze, F.  (2017).  Determinants of voluntary HIV counseling and testing among community college students in the United States.  International Journal of MCH and AIDS, 6(2): 109-120.
  • Schulze, F., & Mitchell, T. (2013). Internalized homophobia among focus group participants in a university gay-straight alliance:  Implications for practice.  Society for Public Health Education
  • Rohrer, J., Cole, L. and Schulze, F.  (2012).  Cigarettes and self-rated health among online university students.  Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 14, 502-505.

Community/Professional Service

  • Community Vanguard Award, AIDS Resource, Inc., Williamsport (2018)
  • Chairperson, Board of Directors, AIDS Resource, Inc., Williamsport (2019-2021)
  • President, Society for Public Health Education, PA Chapter (2019-2021)
  • Co-Chairperson, Safe Zone Committee, President’s Commission on LGBTQ Affairs
  • Board of Commissioners, National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (2006-10)
  • Public Health Lecturer, Fulbright Award, Lugansk State Medical University, Lugansk, Ukraine (2005)
  • Advisor, Public Health Club
  • Advisor, Safe Haven Club (student wellness)