Erica Jones


CommonwealthU University Employee
Professor/Chair, Special Education Department

D.Ed. Educational Leadership, Principal Certification (K-12), Penn State University (2012)

M.S. in Special Education, Special Education Supervisory Certificate, Bloomsburg University (2004)

B.S. in Elementary and Special Education, Lock Haven University (1999)

Contact Information

Courses Most Commonly Taught

  • SPEC 215: High Incidence Disabilities Support
  • SPEC 441: Strategies for Teaching Students with High Incidence Disabilities
  • SPEC 432: Assessing Needs and Transition Planning
  • SPEC 493/494: Student Teaching and Practicum

Areas of Expertise

  • Supervision and Administration in Special Education
  • Assessment and Instructional Planning for Students with Disabilities
  • Teaching Strategies for Students with Emotional and/or Behavior Disorders

Courses Developed

  • SPEC 432: Assessing Needs and Transition Planning for Individuals with Disabilities

Professional Publications

  • Moore, E. R., Sabousky, R., & Witzel, B. (2017). Meeting child find through response to intervention, Childhood Education, 93(4), 357-360, DOI:10.1080/00094056.2017.1343593
  • Moore, E. R. (2009). Decision making processes to promote inclusive environments for students with disabilities. Catalyst for Change, 36(1), 13-22.

Professional Presentations

  • Moore, E.R. (2018). “What Do I Do Now? Implementing Proactive Strategies and Responding to Challenging Behaviors. Conference Presenter, CIU#10 Annual Para-Educator Conference, August 2018, Park Forest Middle School, State College, PA
  • Moore, E.R., & Brown, A. (2017). What am I thinking? Explorations of professor’s metacognitive practices in the college classroom. Conference Presenter, 47th Annual International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning (ISETL) Conference, October 2017, Orlando, FL.
  • Moore, E. R. (2017). “Look at me grow! Sprouting the development of social skills in young children”. Conference Presenter, CIU#10 Annual Para-Educator Conference, August 2017, Bald Eagle Area High School, Wingate, PA
  • Moore, E. R. (2016). “Can we learn together? Fostering student growth and engagement through collaborative group activities in the classroom”. Conference Presenter, 46th Annual International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning (ISETL) Conference, October 2016, Salt Lake City, UT.
  • Moore, E. R. (2016). “Look at me grow! Sprouting the development of social skills in young children”. Conference Presenter, CIU#10 Annual Para-Educator Conference, August 2016, Bellefonte, PA.
  • Moore, E. R. (2015). “Let’s Get Active! Integrating meaningful instructional strategies to foster total participation in the classroom”. Conference Presenter, 45th Annual International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning (ISETL) Conference, October 2015, Savannah, GA.
  • Remley, C. M., & Moore, E. R. (2015). “Learning with SOLE: Using Self-Organized Learning Environments to increase collaboration and engage learners”. Conference Presenter, 45th Annual International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning (ISETL) Conference, October 2015, Savannah, GA.
  • Moore, E. R. (2015). “What is Special Education”. Presenter, Lock Haven University’s Global Honors Faculty Roulette, Lock Haven, PA.
  • Moore, E. R. (2015). “The beauty of metamorphosis: Fostering the aspect of social development in young children”. Conference Presenter, CIU#10 Annual Para-Educator Conference, August 2015, Bellefonte, PA.
  • Moore, E. R. and Stout, J. (2015). “Rural principals’ conceptualization of least restrictive environment for students with disabilities”. Poster Presentation, Council for Exceptional Children National Conference, April 2015, San Diego, CA.
  • Moore, E. R., Seiler, M., & Remley, C.M. (2014). “Active engagement and integrating inquiry – It’s not just for science anymore!”. Conference Presenter, 44th Annual International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning (ISETL) Conference, October 2014, Denver, CO.
  • Moore, E. R. (2014). “From Sapling to Oak: Nurturing the Social Skill Development in Adolescents”. Conference Presenter, CIU#10 Annual Para-Educator Conference, August 2014, Bellefonte, PA.
  • Moore, E. R. (2014). “Hot Topics in Education”. Presenter, Lock Haven University’s High School Guidance Counselor’s Day, Durrwatcher Center, Lock Haven, PA.
  • Moore, E. R. (2013). “The journey through the special education process”. Conference Presenter, CIU#10 Annual Para-Educator Conference, August 2013, Bellefonte, PA.

Community/Professional Service

  • St. Rita’s Professional Development Academy
  • LHU/KCSD Partnership Committee – Member
  • Faculty coordinator of LHU’s Kent’s Fest
  • Nittany Valley Lion’s Club