Eric Lippincott



Ph.D., Physical Therapy, Nova Southeastern University

M.S., Physical Therapy, Widener University

B.S., Health Science, Lock Haven University 

Contact Information

Professional Publications and Presentations

  • Henning, J., Lippincott, EL., Heinerichs, S. What, why, when, how, and how well: Questions to guide your framework. CAATE Accreditation Conference. Orlando, FL. October 2020 (accepted).
  • Perry, CM., Lippincott, EL. The effects of kinesiology tape on shoulder stability. Keystone Journal of Undergraduate Research. 2020: 7(1) 1-6.
  • Lippincott, EL., Hellman, MA., Michener, LA., Shaw, K. Predictors of shoulder injuries in female collegiate swimmers (oral presentation). National Athletic Trainers' Convention. Las Vegas, NV. June 2019. Abstract published in Journal of Athletic Training. 2019: 54(6) S-49.
  • Lippincott, EL. Shoulder injuries in the overhead endurance athlete (oral presentation). Southeastern Athletic Trainers' Association Clinical Symposium and Member's Meeting. Atlanta, GA. March 2019.
  • Lippincott, EL. Shoulder injuries in the overhead endurance athlete (oral presentation). Pennsylvania's Athletic Trainers' Society Annual Meeting. Grantville, PA. June 2018.
  • Lippincott, EL., Heinerichs, S. Advanced Assessment (oral presentation). CAATE Accredition Conference. Tampa, FL. October 2016.
  • Lippincott, EL.  Scapular dyskinesis: Evaluation and management (oral presentation).  Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers’ Society Annual Meeting.  June 2014.
  • Lippincott, EL.   Concussions and cervical spine injuries.  Nittany Youth Football and Cheer League.  State College, PA.  July 2013.
  • Lippincott, EL.  Measuring effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.  Wilkes-Barre, PA.  Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers’ Society Annual Meeting.  May 2013.
  • Lippincott, EL., Drouin, J.  Cadaver Review for Emergency Medicine Providers.  Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council.  Lancaster, PA.  August 2011.
  • Preische, J., Lippincott, EL.  Theme of Every Other Week: Incorporating EBM and Clinical Reasoning into Clinical Education.  Poster Presentation at National Athletic Training Educators’ Conference. Washington, DC.  March 2011.

Community and Professional Service

  • Commission on the Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) – Accreditation Site Visitor
  • Commission on the Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) – Standards Committee
  • Commission on the Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) - Commissioner-elect
  • Habitat for Humanity of Greater Centre County – regular volunteer
  • Centre Region Down Syndrome Society - Board member
  • Out of the Cold Homeless Shelter - site co-coordinator