Eric Hawrelak
- Title(s)
- Professor
- Department
- Education
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, VA, Ph.D., Chemistry, 2002
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, M.S., Chemistry, 1998
Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, B.A., Chemistry, 1995
- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
- 570-389-4894
- Send an Email
229 Hartline Science Center
- Chemistry for the Sciences 2 (CHEM 116)
- Lecture and Lab Inorganic Chemistry (CHEM 251)
- Lecture Chemical Research 2 (CHEM 493)
- Chemistry for the Sciences 1 (CHEM 115)
- Lecture and Lab Chemical Research 1 (CHEM 492)
Research Interests
Comparative study of the cyclotrimerization reaction using a substituted and unsubstituted cobalt catalyst.
Service Activities
- APSCUF Vice President
- APSCUF Mobilization Committee
- APSCUF PR Committee
- APSCUF Audit Committee
- APSCUF Budget Committee Delegate to Legislative Assembly
- Columbia Montour Boy Scout Chemistry Merit Badge Counselor
- Chemistry Demonstration Show Memorial Elementary School
- Bloomsburg Chemistry Demonstration / Student Experiment Classroom Visit
- Central Columbia Elementary
- Bloomsburg Chemistry Club Faculty Advisor
- Chemistry & Biochemistry Evaluation Committee
- Chairperson Chemistry & Biochemistry Search and Screen Committee