Eric Hawrelak



Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, VA, Ph.D., Chemistry, 2002 
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, M.S., Chemistry, 1998 
Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, B.A., Chemistry, 1995 

Contact Information


Chemistry for the Sciences 2 (CHEM 116) Lecture and Lab Inorganic Chemistry (CHEM 251) Lecture Chemical Research 2 (CHEM 493) Chemistry for the Sciences 1 (CHEM 115) Lecture and Lab Chemical Research 1 (CHEM 492)

Research Interests

Comparative Study of the Cyclotrimerization Reaction Using a Substituted and Unsubstituted Cobalt Catalyst

Service Activities

APSCUF Vice President APSCUF Mobilization Committee APSCUF PR Committee APSCUF Audit Committee APSCUF Budget Committee Delegate to Legislative Assembly Columbia Montour Boy Scout Chemistry Merit Badge Counselor Chemistry Demonstration Show Memorial Elementary School, Bloomsburg Chemistry Demonstration/Student Experiment Classroom Visit, Central Columbia Elementary, Bloomsburg BU Chemistry Club Faculty Advisor Chemistry & Biochemistry Evaluation Committee, Chairperson Chemistry & Biochemistry Search and Screen Committee