Ellen Kehres


Associate Professor of Biophysical Chemistry

Ph.D. in Chemistry, Penn State University, Focus: Nucleic Acid Thermodynamics 
B.S. in Chemistry, Mansfield University, Minor in Mathematics 

Contact Information


  • Chemistry and the Citizen (Chem 100)
  • Introduction to Chemistry (Chem 101)
  • Physiological Chemistry (Chem 108)
  • Chemistry for the Sciences I (Chem 115)
  • Biochemistry Laboratory (Chem 341)

Research Interests

Investigating the biochemical functions of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) in skin cancers by examining the possibility and mechanism in which PPAR expression and/or modulators (agonists/antagonists) can be can be combined with other known melanoma therapeutics as part of future chemotherapeutics.


Borland, M.G., Kehres, E.M., Lee, C., Wagner, A.L., Shannon, B.E., Albrecht, P.P., Zhu, B., Lahoti, T.S., Gonzalez, F.J., and Peters, J.M. Inhibition of tumorigenesis by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-dependent cell cycle blocks in human skin carcinoma cells. Toxicology. 2018. 404-405: 25-32.

Borland, M.G., Yao, P., Kehres, E.M., Lee, C., Pritzlaff, A.M., Ola, E., Wagner, A.L., Shannon, B.E., Albrecht, P.P, Zhu, B., Kang, B., Robertson, G.P., Gonzalez, F.G., and Peters, J.M. PPARβ/δ and PPARγ inhibit melanoma tumorigenicity by modulating inflammation and apoptosis. Toxicological Sciences. (2017). 159(2): 436-448. PMICD: 28962521. 
This was an Editor’s Highlight Article.

Service Activities

  • Research Coordinator, cDNA Resource Center
  • COST (College of Science and Technology) College Faculty Fellow - Communications
  • Search and Screen Committee – Department of Chemistry
  • APSCUF – elected Public Relations Committee
  • Curriculum Committee – Department of Chemistry
  • Sabbatical Committee – Department of Chemistry
  • Space Renovation Committee – Department of Chemistry
  • Placement Exam Committee – Department of Chemistry