Diane Barrett

- Title(s)
- Associate Professor, Director of the Center for Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity Studies
- Department
- Education
Ph.D., Northcentral University
M.S., Capella University
B.S., Remington College
- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
- 570-389-4538
- Send an Email
217 Ben Franklin Hall
Diane Barrett received a master's degree from Capella University and a PhD in Business administration with a specialization in information security from Northcentral University. Her Ph.D. dissertation was on the application of digital forensic methods to cloud computing environments. She has done forensic, incident response, and security assessment work for many years holding titles such as manager of research and training for cyber, mobile forensic training director, and enterprise engineer. She has served as a program director for ADFSL's Conference on Digital Forensics, Security, and Law and was a volunteer on the National CyberWatch Center's Curriculum Standards Panel as well as NIST’s Cloud Computing Forensic Science Working Group. Dr. Barrett served for several years as the President of the Digital Forensics Certification Board. She holds many industry security certifications and has authored multiple security and forensic books.