Darlene Ardary


CommonwealthU University Employee
Associate Professor

Ph.D in Nursing from Indiana University of Pennsylvania

EDU 101 A : e-Teaching Certification from University of Colorado

M.S. in Nursing from Indiana University of Pennsylvania

School Nurse Certificate from Clarion University

B.S. in Nursing from Clarion University

Nursing Management Certificate from Pennsylvania State University DuBois

Registered Nurse Diploma from Central Pennsylvania School of Nursing

Contact Information

Courses Most Commonly Taught 

  • Home, Community and Public Health Nursing
  • Nursing Research
  • Health Assessment
  • Pathophysiology
  • Global Perspectives in Nursing

Areas of Expertise

  • Certified Pediatric Nurse
  • Certified School Nurse
  • ACEN Peer Reviewer

Courses Developed 

  • ASN: Simulation Clinical, Long-term Care Clinical. 
  • BSN: See above; NURS 435: Origins of Nursing; London, England. 

Professional Publications 

Ardary, D., DellAntonio, J., DuGan, J., Granich, S., Reitz, L. & Talbot, A.(2017). Examination of Community Health Workers in Rural Pennsylvania. Publication online at Center for Rural Pennsylvania. 

Ardary, D. A. (2007). Increasing school nurse awareness of Turner Syndrome. The Journal of School Nursing, 23(1), 28-33. 

Professional Presentations 

NLN Summit 2017 National Nursing Education Conference Presentation  
San Diego, California, September 14-17, 2017   
Nursing Faculty Experiences Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities: 
An Interpretive Phenomenological Study 

ClearFIELD Day & Lab Science Day/Celebration of Scholarship Poster Presentation 
Nursing Faculty Experiences Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities: 
An Interpretive Phenomenological Study, April 24, 2015 

Drexel University Nursing Education Institute Poster presentation: Stress and Nursing Students 
Savannah, Georgia, June 19-21, 2012