Christian Grandzol


Professor / Assistant Chair

B.S., Marywood University 
MBA, Marywood University 
Ph.D., Marywood University 
Certified Production and Inventory Management (APICS) 
Certified Transportation and Logistics (ASTL) 
Certified Supply Chain Professional (APICS) 

Contact Information

My passion is affecting students’ lives through excellent teaching and role modeling. My ambition is to not only teach the subjects and thinking necessary for given course or program objectives, but to give direction to students for further study and the inspiration to pursue it. I emphasize experiences that benefit students in terms of academic development and career preparation. These include opportunities for students to interact with disciplinary experts and practitioners, developing teaching cases for use in the classroom, and meaningful technology integration. I believe these efforts translate to an environment that flourishes with strong student engagement and highly effective learning opportunities."


MGMT 370-Managerial Decision Making 
SCM 371-Supply Chain Operations 
SCM 475-Logistics

Representative Refereed Journal Publications

Geyfman, V., & Grandzol, C. (2020). Refresh or Rebrand? Hersha Hospitality Trust’s Cadillac Hotel decision. South East Case Research Journal.

Lee, K., & Grandzol, C. (2019). United States withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Leveraged Bootstrap Causality approach to investigate relationships among small capitalization markets. International Review of Accounting, Banking, and Finance, 11, 12-20.

Grandzol, C., Grandzol, J., & Pitingolo, E. (2017). Supplier managed inventory in boutique manufacturing: A chance to build a better performing supply chain? Journal of the Academy of Business Education, Spring, 143-160.