Carina Howell


CommonwealthU University Employee
Professor of Biology

Ph.D., Biology — University of Pittsburgh (2000)

B.S., Biology — The Pennsylvania State University (1995) 

Contact Information

 I study the molecular genetics of animal development. My students and I investigate the molecular evolution of genes involved in the development of the nervous system and other tissues in a wide range of organisms.

These studies take place at the interface between evolution and developmental biology, the emerging field known as “evo-devo.” We exploit a wide range of experimental and analytical techniques, ranging from classical genetics and developmental biology to bioinformatics and genomics.

My passion lies in advancing both pedagogy and research laboratory results in these fields. I frame the design of my scholarly work so that these parallel experimental practices in the classroom and at the bench support and inform one another.

Contact me if you are interested in getting involved!

Courses Most Commonly Taught

  • BIOL202 - Genetics
  • BIOL302 - Developmental Biology
  • BIOL323 - Bioinformatics and Genomics
  • BIOL130 - Human Biology
  • BIOL125 - Topics in Biology

Areas of Expertise

  • Genetics
  • Molecular Biology
  • Evolutionary Developmental Biology
  • Neurodevelopment
  • Bioinformatics and Genomics

Courses Developed

  • Human Genetics
  • Bioinformatics and Genomics  

Professional Publications

Lopatto, D., Rosenwald, A. G., DiAngelo, J. R., Hark, A. T., Skerritt, M., Wawersik, M., Allen, A. K., Alvarez, C., Anderson, S., Arrigo, C., Arsham, A., Barnard, D., Bazinet, C., Bedard, J., Bose, I., Braverman, J. M., Burg, M. G., Burgess, R. C., Croonquist, P., Du, C., … Howell, C.E., … Elgin, S. [101 Authors – members of the Genomics Education Partnership] (2020). Facilitating Growth through Frustration: Using Genomics Research in a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience. Journal of microbiology & biology education, 21(1), 21.1.6.

Laakso, M.M., Paliulis, L.V., Croonquist, P., Derr, B., Gracheva, E., Hauser, C., Howell, C.E., Jones, C.J., Kagey, J.D., Kennell, J., Silver Key, S.C., Mistry, H., Robic, S., Sanford, J., Santisteban, M., Small, C., Spokony, R., Stamm, J., Van Stry, M., Leung, W., Elgin, S.C.R. 2017. An undergraduate bioinformatics curriculum that teaches eukaryotic gene structure. CourseSource.

Elgin, Sarah C.R.,…Howell, C.E.,…Leatherman, J. [117 Authors – members of the Genomics Education Partnership] (2017) The GEP: Crowd-Sourcing Big Data Analysis with Undergraduates. Trends in Genetics. Volume 33, Issue 2: pp. 81-85.

Seacor, T., Striluk, M., and Howell, C.E. (2015) Classification of Wild Isolate Nematode Strains Using Classical Systematics and Molecular Sequencing. Journal of Student Research. Volume 4, Issue 1: pp. 45-52.

Shaffer, D, … Howell, C.E. …Elgin, S.C.R. [83 Authors - members of the Genomics Education Partnership] (2014) A Course-Based Research Experience: How Benefits Change with Increased Investment in Instructional Time. CBE Life Sci Educ. 13(1): 111-30.

Howell, C.E. and Howell, J.E. (2010) Sectioning clay models makes anatomy and development tangible. American Biology Teacher 72:313–14.

Howell, C.E. (2010) Experimental HIV Vaccine. Magill’s Medical Guide. 6th ed. Pasadena, Calif.: Salem Press. 1519.

Howell, C.E. (2010) Model organism: Danio rerio. Genetics and Inherited Conditions. Pasadena, Calif.: Salem Press. 825–27.

Campanella, J.J., Ness, B. and Howell, C.E. (2010) Cloning: Ethical Issues. Genetics and Inherited Conditions. Pasadena, Calif.: Salem Press. 272–76.

Dong, L., Chen, Y., Lewis, M., Hsieh, J.C., Reing, J., Chaillet, J R., Howell, C.Y., Melhem, M., Inoue, S., Kuszak, J.R. DeGeest, K., and Chung, A.E. (2002) Neurologic defects and selective disruption of basement membranes in mice lacking entactin-1/nidogen-1. Lab Invest 82:1617–30.

Ratnam, S., Mertineit C., Ding F., Howell, C.Y., Clarke, H.J., Bestor T.H., Chaillet J.R., and Trasler, J.M. (2002)  Dynamics of Dnmt1 methyltransferase expression and intracellular localization during oogenesis and preimplantation development. Develop Bio 245:304–14.

Howell, C.Y., Bestor T.H., Ding F., Latham K.E., Mertineit C., Trasler J.M., and Chaillet, J. R. (2001)  Genomic imprinting disrupted by a maternal-effect mutation in the Dnmt1 gene. Cell 104:829–38.

Shuster, M., Dhar, M.S., Olins, A.L., Olins, D.E., Howell, C.Y., Gollin, S.M., and Chaillet, J.R. (1998) Parental alleles of an imprinted mouse transgene replicate synchronously. Develop Genet 23:275–284.

Howell, C.Y., Steptoe, A.L., Miller, M.W., and Chaillet, J.R. (1998) cis-Acting signal for inheritance of imprinted DNA methylation patterns in the preimplantation mouse embryo. Mol Cell Biol 18:4149–56.

Seibert, S.A., Howell, C.Y., Hughes, M.K., and Hughes, A.L. (1995) Natural selection on the gag, pol, and env genes of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1). Mol Biol Evol 12:803–13.

Hughes, A.L., Hughes, M.K., Howell, C.Y., and Nei, M. (1994) Natural selection at the class II major histocompatibility complex loci of mammals. Philos Trans R Soc Lond 346: 359–66.

Professional Presentations

C.E. Howell, Patel, S.R. and J.M. Matticks. (2017) Impact of Exposure to Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles on the Nervous System in Caenorhabditis elegans. 56th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Baltimore, MD.

Howell, C.E. (2014) Implementing a Classroom Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) in Bioinformatics and Genomics. American Society for Cell Biology/International Federation of Cell Biology Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA

Laakso, M.M., Arrigo, C., DiAngelo, J.R., Dunbar, D., Howell, C.E, Kleinschmit, A., Paliulis, L.V., Porter-Kelley, J., Roecklein-Canfield, J., Rosenwald, A., Wolyniak, M.J., Zhou, L., Leung, W., Shaffer, C.D. and S.C.R. Elgin (2014) The Genomics Education Partnership (GEP): An undergraduate bioinformatics research network providing transformative course-based research experiences. American Society for Cell Biology/International Federation of Cell Biology Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA

Howell, C.E. (2014) Implementing a Classroom Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) in Bioinformatics and Genomics. 45th Annual meeting of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania University Biologists. Bloomsburg University. American Society for Cell Biology/International Federation of Cell Biology Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA

Howell, C.E. (2014) Implementation of GEP in a Bioinformatics and Genomics Class. Genomics Education Partnership Workshop, Washington University in St. Louis.

Howell, C.E., Seacor, T., and. Striluk, M., (2013) Exploiting Nematode Diversity to Teach Advanced Techniques in Bioinformatics, Molecular Evolution and Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy.17th International Congress of Developmental Biology, Cancun, Mexico.

Howell, C.E. (2013) Inquiry-based Instruction in an Undergraduate Bioinformatics Course Leads to Novel Publishable Results with the Genomics Education Partnership, 3rd Annual Undergraduate Bioinformatics Education Conference, Saint Vincent College.

Howell, C.E. and W. Hanna-Rose (2012) Affordable Research Opportunities for Undergraduates: an RNAi Screen to Identify Genes Involved in C. elegans Vulva Morphogenesis. Society for Developmental Biology Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting. The Pennsylvania State University.

Howell, C.E. (2010) Sectioning Clay Models makes Anatomy and Development Tangible. 41st Annual meeting of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania University Biologists. East Stroudsburg University.

Howell, C.E. (2009) Integrating Laptops in the Genetics Laboratory through the use of Bioinformatics Databases. 40th Annual meeting of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania University Biologists. Lock Haven University.

Howell, C.E. (2008)  Independent Student Research Integrated in a Laboratory Course: Chick Teratogenesis in Developmental Biology. 39thAnnual meeting of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania University Biologists. Shippensburg University.

Howell, C.E. (2006) The Nose Knows:  How Olfactory Neurons Regenerate. Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA.

Howell, C.Y., Yang, Y.H., Vranizan, K., Speed, T., and J. Ngai. (2004) Analysis of gene expression during development and regeneration of the olfactory system. Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, Gordon Research Conference, Hong Kong, China.

Howell, C.Y., Yang, Y.H., and J. Ngai. (2003) Analysis of gene expression during development and regeneration of the olfactory system. Developmental Supergroup, Berkeley, CA.

Howell, C.Y., Yang, Y.H., and J. Ngai. (2003) Analysis of gene expression during development and regeneration of the olfactory system. UC Berkeley Neuroscience Retreat, Lake Tahoe, CA.

Howell, C.Y., and J. Ngai. (2002) Analysis of gene expression during neuronal regeneration in the olfactory system. UC Berkeley Neuroscience Retreat, Lake Tahoe, CA.

Howell, C.Y., and J.R. Chaillet. (1999) Genomic imprinting disrupted by a maternal-effect mutation in the Dnmt1 gene. Biological Sciences Retreat, Pymatuning, PA.

Howell, C.Y., Fan, Y., and J.R. Chaillet. (1997) Selective maintenance of methylation in the generation of imprinted genes. Gordon Conference on Epigenetics, Plymouth, NH.

Howell, C.Y., Steptoe, A.L., Miller, M.W., and J.R. Chaillet. (1997) Selective maintenance of methylation in the generation of imprinted genes. Pittsburgh Cancer Institute Retreat, Johnstown, PA.

Howell, C.Y., Hughes, M.K., and A.L. Hughes. (1994) Natural selection at the class II major histocompatibility complex loci of mammals. Eastern Great Lakes Molecular Evolution Meeting, Rochester, NY.