Candice Klingerman


CommonwealthU University Employee
Associate Professor

Ph.D. Lehigh University, Integrative Biology; M.S. University of Delaware, Animal Science; B.S. Delaware Valley College, Animal Science 

Contact Information


Introduction to Nutrition, Anatomy and Physiology laboratories, Medical Terminology

Research Interests

My research laboratory is dedicated to understanding the neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying diseases of energy dysregulation (e.g. obesity, anorexia).  These mechanisms are studied from an evolutionary perspective – traits evolve if they increase reproductive success.  Therefore, we examine both ingestive as well as reproductive behaviors simultaneously, using zebrafish as our animal model.


Faculty Professional Development Travel Award to attend the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology conference in Atlanta, GA (June 2020).


BU COST Faculty Scholarly Activity Award.  Effects of the CB1 agonist, anandamide, on the behavior of zebrafish (Danio rerio).  


Smith, J., A. Shaffer, and C.M. Klingerman.  “Anandamide increases the physical activity of zebrafish.”  BIOS.  A Quarterly J of Biol. Submitted.


Burroughs, S.E., W. Schwindinger, J. Venditti, T. Trautwein, A. Dalsania, and C.M. Klingerman.  (2018). “Prokineticin-2 robustly and reliably influences the sexual and ingestive behaviors of female Syrian hamsters.”  Horm Behav. 106:135-143.


Schneider, J., Benton, N., Russo, K., Klingerman, C., Williams, W., Simberlund, J., Abdulhay, A., Brozek, J., and Kriegsfeld, L.  (2017) RFamide-related Peptide-3 and the Trade-off Between Reproductive and Ingestive Behavior.  Integr Comp Biol. 57:1225-1239.



Smith, J., A. Shaffer, and C.M. Klingerman.  (2019) “Effects of the cannabinoid agonist anandamide on the activity of zebrafish.”  Bloomsburg University College of Science and Technology Research Day.  (poster).  Bloomsburg, PA.

Shaffer, A. and C.M. Klingerman.  (2019) “The effects of calorie restriction on the social behavior and reproduction in zebrafish (Danio rerio).”  Graduate Student Thesis Proposal (talk).  Bloomsburg University. Bloomsburg, PA.