Brett Comstock


Assistant Professor of Exercise Science

Ph.D., University of Connecticut

M.A., University of Connecticut

B.S., Denison University

Contact Information

Comstock teaches the following undergraduate courses: EXERSCI294 – Resistance Training Techniques, EXERSCI304 – Principles of Resistance Training, EXERSCI380 – Research Methods, EXERSCI477 – Exercise Programming and Prescription. Additionally, Dr. Comstock teaches EXERSCI556 – Muscle Adaptations at the graduate level. His research interests emphasize physiological factors that contribute to human performance optimization, resistance training physiology, and strength and conditioning in a variety of populations.

Comstock is a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association, American College of Sports Medicine, and American Physiological Society. Further, he serves as a Senior Associate Editor for the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.