Ashley Lesniak


Ashley Lesniak
Associate Professor / CU-IRB Chair

Ph.D., Exercise Science — University of Kentucky

M.S., Exercise Science — East Stroudsburg University

B.S., Exercise Science — East Stroudsburg University

Contact Information

Courses Most Commonly Taught

  • HLTH 120 Human Anatomy & Physiology 2
  • HLTH 353 Physiology of Exercise
  • HLTH 363 Applied Sport & Exercise Science
  • HLTH 425 Clinical Exercise Physiology
  • HLTH 485 Professional Field Experience in Health Science
  • HLTH 663 Applied Sport & Exercise Science

Areas of Expertise

  • Exercise Physiology
  • Tactical Populations
  • Endurance Performance


  • Lesniak A., Sell K., Morris C., Abel, MG.  "Relationship between Heart Rate Variability vs. Occupational Performance, Physical Activity and Fitness Measures in Structural Firefighters." Journal of Sport and Human Performance 10.1 (2022): 56-72.
  • Lesniak, A. Y., Bergstrom, H. C., Clasey, J. L., Stromberg, A. J., & Abel, M. G. (2020). The effect of personal protective equipment on firefighter occupational performance. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 34(8), 2165-2172.
  • Lesniak, A., Davis, S., Moir, G., & Sauers, E. (2016). The Effects of Carbohydrate, Caffeine, and Combined Rinses on Cycling Performance. Journal of Sport And Human Performance, 4(1).

In Preparation

  • Lesniak A., Bergstrom H., Clasey JL, Stromberg AJ., Abel MG.  Physical Fitness Characteristics and Firefighter Occupational Performance

Professional Presentations and Published Abstracts

  • Streator S., Lesniak A., Allison K., Russell J., Ingram Y., Widmann L. Interprofessional Education Content in the Commonwealth University Graduate Athletic Training Program. Commonwealth University IPE event, Bloomsburg, PA, April 2024.
  • Lesniak A., Berkheiser, T., Dixon C. The Biological Sex of an External Observer Does Not Influence Participant RPE. Commonwealth University IPE event, Bloomsburg, PA, April 2024.
  • Lesniak A., Berkheiser, T., Dixon C. The Biological Sex of an External Observer Does Not Influence Participant RPE. ACSM Mid-Atlantic Conference, Lancaster, PA, November 2023 and at the 71st Annual Meeting of ACSM, Boston, MA, May 2024.
  • Haile L., Dixon CB., Lesniak A., Andreacci JL., Evaluation of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Children. 70th Annual Meeting of ACSM, Denver, CO, June 2023.
  • Lesniak A., Martin M., Dixon C. The Impact of a Weighted Warmup on 1-Mile Run Performance. ACSM Mid-Atlantic Conference, Harrisburg, PA, November 2022, and at the 70th Annual Meeting of ACSM, Denver, CO, June 2023.
  • Lesniak A., Thal K., Dixon C. The Impact of Gender on Self-Reported RPE during a Graded Exercise Test. ACSM Mid-Atlantic Conference, Harrisburg, PA, November 2021.
  • Lesniak A., Kelly, N., Miller, J., Dixon C. The Ventilatory Effects of Thoracic Load Carriage While Walking. 68th Annual Meeting of ACSM, virtual due to COVID-19, June 2021.
  • Lesniak A., Ronemus B., Dixon C. The Cardiopulmonary Effects of Thoracic Load Carriage While Resting. ACSM Mid-Atlantic Conference, Harrisburg, PA, November 2019 and 67th Annual Meeting of ACSM, virtual due to COVID-19 [Abstract published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise  52(5S):240, May 2020].
  • Lesniak A., Bergstrom H., Clasey JL, Stromberg AJ., Abel MG. The Effect of Personal Protective Equipment on Firefighter Occupational Performance. ACSM Southeast Conference, Chattanooga, TN, February 2018, and 65th Annual Meeting of ACSM, Minneapolis, MN, May 2018 [Abstract published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise  50(5S):739, May 2018].
  • Lesniak, A., Abel, M., Sell, K., Morris, C. Relationship Between Heart Rate Variability Outcomes vs. Firefighter Performance, Physical Activity and Fitness Measures. ACSM Southeast Conference, Greenville, SC, February 2017, and 64th Annual Meeting of ACSM, Denver, CO, May 2017 [Abstract published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise  49(5S):610, May 2017].
  • Abel, M., Lesniak, A., Sell, K., Morris, C. Comparison of On- versus Off-duty Sleep, Physical Activity, and Heart Rate Variability in Professional Firefighters. NSCA National Conference, July 2016. New Orleans, LA.
  • Lesniak A., Davis S., Moir G., Sauers E., The Effect of Carbohydrate, Caffeine and Combined Rinses on College Aged Females’ Cycling Endurance Performance. ACSM Mid-Atlantic Conference, Harrisburg, PA, October 2014, and 62nd Annual Meeting of ACSM, San Diego, CA, May 2015 [Abstract published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 47(5S):582, May 2015]. 

Student-Directed Publications

Students are recognized in bold

  • Ressler G., Lesniak A. The Effect of Music Tempo on Muscular Endurance During the Bench Press. (2022) Undergraduate Journal of Exercise Science, 4(1).

In Review

  • Arledge, L., Lesniak A., Music Tempo Influences Perception but not Performance of Exercise.  International Undergraduate Journal of Health Sciences

Student-Directed Presentations

Students are recognized in bold

  • Hibbard C., Lippincott E., Thomas R., Lesniak A. The Difference in Anxiety and Depression Rates that Female Collegiate Team Sport Athletes and Individual Sport Athletes Experience. Commonwealth University IPE event, Bloomsburg, PA, April 2024.
  • Reed, I., Lesniak A., Dixon C., Optimal Rest Time for Post-activation Potentiation (PAP) on Vertical Jump Performance. Commonwealth University IPE event, Bloomsburg, PA, April 2024.
  • Reed, I., Lesniak A., Dixon C., Optimal Rest Time for Post-activation Potentiation (PAP) on Vertical Jump Performance. 2024 Undergraduate Research at the Capitol Poster Conference, Harrisburg, PA, March 2024.
  • Berkheiser, T., Lesniak A., Dixon C. Does the Presence of an External Observer Affect Participant RPE? ACSM Mid-Atlantic Conference, Lancaster, PA, November 2023.
  • Arledge, L., Hillman, A., Lesniak A., Dixon C. Effects of Music on Swimming Performance. ACSM Mid-West Conference, Indianapolis, IN, October 2023.
  • Bollinger B., Lesniak A. Physiological and Psychological Effects of Beetroot Juice as an Ergogenic Aid. 2023 Undergraduate Research at the Capitol Poster Conference, Harrisburg, PA, March 2023.
  • Thompkins K., Lesniak A., Dixon C. Effect of Light Brightness on Cycling Performance. ACSM Mid-Atlantic Conference, Harrisburg, PA, November 2022.
  • Thal K., Lesniak A., Dixon C. Ability to Reproduce RPE while Self-Selecting Treadmill Speed vs Incline. ACSM Mid-Atlantic Conference, Harrisburg, PA, November 2021.
  • Miller J., Lesniak A., Dixon C. Physiological Responses of Thoracic Load Carriage During Walking in Men and Women. ACSM Mid-Atlantic Conference, virtual due to COVID-19, November 2020 and at the 68th Annual Meeting of ACSM, virtual due to COVID-19, June 2021.
  • Ronemus B., Lesniak A., Dixon C. The Physiological and Perceptual Responses of Thoracic Load Carriage During Walking. ACSM Mid-Atlantic Conference, Harrisburg, PA, November 2019.
  • Ressler G., Lesniak A., Dixon C. The Effect of Music Tempo on Muscular Endurance During the Bench Press. ACSM Mid-Atlantic Conference, Harrisburg, PA, November 2019.
  • Samantha Bohn. "The Effect of Protein Supplementation on Sports Performance" Celebration of Scholarship, Lock Haven University, April 2019.
  • Benjamin Ronemus. "The Physiological Impacts of Load Carriage on Resting and Walking Energy Expenditure" Celebration of Scholarship, Lock Haven University, April 2019.

Community / Professional Service

  • MARC ACSM Research Committee