Anura Goonewardene


CommonwealthU University Employee

Ph.D., Physics, Louisiana State University

M.S., Physics, Louisiana State University  

B.S., Physics (Minor: Mathematics),  University of Colombo, Sri Lanka s 

Contact Information

Courses Most Commonly Taught

  • Algebra-based Physics I and II
  • Calculus-based Intermediate Physics I & II
  • Introduction to Nanoscience
  • Meteorology, Heat, Mechanics I & II
  • Quantum Mechanics

Courses Developed

  • Introduction to Nanoscience
  • Meteorology
  • Programs Developed
  • BS Degree in Applied Physics (Nanotechnology)
  • AAS Degree in Nanotechnology
  • Minor in Nanotechnology

Awarded over $2,000,000 in external funding since 2004 for Nanotechnology programs.

Professional Publications

“Engaging undergraduates through interdisciplinary research in nanotechnology,” A. Goonewardene, C. Offutt, J. Whitling, and D. Woodhouse, Journal of College Science Teaching; Vol.41, No.3, 2012  

“Sustaining physics programs through interdisciplinary programs: A case study in nanotechnology,” Anura Goonewardene, Marian Tzolov, Indrajith Senevirathne, and Donald Woodhouse, Guest Editorial, Am. J. Phys. 79(7), 693-696 July 2011  

“Two-dimensional nanotriangle and nanoring arrays on silicon wafer,” D. Jia and A. Goonewardene, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 (2006) 053105  

“A STM Study of the Oxidation of Mg(0001),” A. Goonewardene, J. Karunamuni, R.L. Kurtz ,and R.L. Stockbauer.  Surface Science 501 (1-2) (2002) 102-111  

“Oxidation of Mg(0001) studies by LEED and ESDIAD,” A. Goonewardene, R.L. Kurtz, and R.L. Stockbauer.  International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.15, Nos. 24 & 25 (2001) 3296-3301  

“Imaging the Fermi Surface of Cu using Photoelectron Spectroscopy,” Zhe Qu, Anura Goonewardene, Krishnan Subramanian, Jeevananda Karunamuni, Neeraj Mainkar, Liangang Ye, Roger L. Stockbauer, and Richard Kurtz.  Surface Science 324(1995) 133-139

Professional Presentations

“Impact of an interdisciplinary program at a small undergraduate university: a case study in nanotechnology,” Anura Goonewardene, Marian Tzolov, Indrajith Senevirathne, and Donald Woodhouse, invited presentation at the Physics Colloquium, University of North Dakota, September, 2012, Grand Forks, ND.  

“A Nano Integration Success Story,” Anura Goonewardene, Jackie Whitling, Amy Way, Marian Tzolov, Carina Howell, Indrajith Senevirathne, Anamika Gopal, and Mike Cullin.  Invited presentation at the Micro Nano Tech conference hosted by University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, May 9-11, 2011.  

“Engaging STEM majors through undergraduate research in Nanoscience,” J. Whitling , Anura Goonewardene, Indrajith Senevirathne, Marian Tzolov, Carina Howell, and Amy Way.   National Conference of the Council on Undergraduate Research, Ogden, UT, June 20th, 2010.  

“Sulfide Phosphors for LED white light sources”  Dongdong Jia, Anura Goonewardene, Weiyi Jia, Xiaomei Guo, Yingyin K. Zou, and Kewen Li, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 916, MRS 2006