Alyce Baker

- Title(s)
- Professor of English
- Department
- Education
Ph.D., Literature and Criticism, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, The Pennsylvania State University
B.S.Ed., Communication Arts, Shippensburg University
Certification, 7-12 PA Teaching License in English
- Curriculum Vitae
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- Contact Information
- Lock Haven
- 570-484-2100
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319 Raub Hall
Courses Most Commonly Taught
- First-Year Seminar
- Composition
- Honors Literature Seminar
- Introduction to Literature
Areas of Expertise
- American Literature Generalist
- Literacy
- English Pedagogy
Programs Developed
- Reconfigured Secondary English (twice) and Secondary English/Special Education
Research Areas
- Children's Literature (particularly young adult literature)
- English Pedagogy
- Literacy (particularly multi-literacies and content-area literacy)
Professional Publications
- Toni Morrison's Novels: The Grotesque as Social, Cultural, and Political Aesthetic. Koln, Germany: LAP Lambert, 2009.
- "Pennsylvania, Young Adult Author, Beth Fantaskey, Visits Schools in Keystone Central School District." The PCTELA Newsletter. Winter 2012 Edition: 3.
- "Aliens Are Invading Pennsylvania: Persuasive and Argumentative Writing" co-authored with Bill Ferguson and Dayna Dawsey.Standards Aligned System. Pennsylvania Department of Education. <>. Spring 2011.
- "Using the Literacy Narrative in Freshman Composition: How to Get Students to Recognize Literacy Performance Achievement." Literacy and Performance: Proceedings of the 2007 EAPSU Annual Conference, Pennsylvania, 26-27 October. Eds. Marlen Elliot Harrison and Melissa Jane Lingle-Martin. English Association of Pennsylvania State Universities. <>.
- "Highlighting Artistic, Cultural, and Political Hair in Literature During the Black Arts and Black Power Movements." Florida English5 (2007): 26-36.
- "Redefining the Female Self Through Female Communities: Margaret Cavendish's The Female Academy, The Convent of Pleasure, and Bell in Campo." Shakespeare and Renaissance Association of West Virginia Selected Papers 29 (2006): 37-46.
- "Wanda Coleman." Contemporary American Ethnic Poets: Lives, Works, Sources. Ed. Linda Cullum. Westport: Greenwood, 2004.
- "Quincy Troupe." Contemporary American Ethnic Poets: Lives, Works, Sources. Ed. Linda Cullum. Westport: Greenwood, 2004.
- "Highlighting Cultural and Political Hair During the Black Arts and Black Power Movements."2004 IUP Inter-Disciplinary Graduate Conference Proceedings: All TogetherNow: Culture and Society On An (Inter)National Stage. Ed. Claire Norris. 17-26.
- "Review of Heroes, Heroines, and Everything in Between: Challenging Gender and Sexuality Stereotypes in Children's Entertainment Media" by eds. Carrielynn Reinhard and Christopher Olson, Children's Literature Quarterly, vol. 43, no. 4, Winter 2018, pp 482-485
Professional Presentations
- National Council of Teachers of English Conference
- Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference
- Bloomsburg University's Reading, Literacy, and Learning Conference
- ew Jersey College English Association Conference
- English Association of Pennsylvania State Universities Conference
- Pennsylvania College English Association Conference
- The Shakespeare and Renaissance Association of West Virginia Conference
- Mid Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association Conference
- Lock Haven University's Celebration of Scholarship, Book talk Series, and Let Her Voice Be Heard
- Northeast Modern Language Association
- Children's Literature Association
- Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of English and Language Arts
- Conference on College Composition and Communication