TRIO SSS at Mansfield
The goal of the TRIO SSS program at Commonwealth University-Mansfield is to help low-income and first-generation college students and/or college students with disabilities succeed at college and earn their bachelor's degree.
What is TRIO?
The TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) program provides no cost academic assistance to up to 200 eligible undergraduate students at Commonwealth University - Mansfield. This is accomplished through a variety of support services and personal assistance designed to meet the needs of our TRIO students. All participants are assigned an individual advisor who will help them in determining their specific strengths and weaknesses so that the program can offer the most appropriate assistance for each student.
Students can become a participant at any point in their undergraduate program (freshman through senior) and remain in the program until they receive their undergraduate degree from CU-Mansfield. There is no charge for services provided to students through TRIO Student Support Services.
Department Information
TRIO Offerings
- Experienced & Supportive Faculty and Staff
- One-on-One Advising & Counseling
- Summer Bridge Program
- First year seminar course offering with TRIO faculty
- Peer Mentoring Program
- Textbook Loan Program
- Laptop Loan Program
- Major & Career Planning
- Financial Guidance
- Tutorial Services
- Scheduling Support
- Academic Assistance
- Stress Management Workshops
- Study Skills Instruction and Workshops
- Graduated School Visits
- Quiet Study Rooms with computers & an accessible printer
- Cultural Enrichment Services
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a citizen of the United States
- Have a need for Academic Support as determined by TRIO-SSS Staff
- Must be a full-time student
- Must meet at least one of the following requirements:
- First Generation College Student
- Low Income
- Documented Learning or Physical Disability
Additional information about participation in TRIO is available in the TRIO Participation and Scholarship Eligibility Policy
Complete the application and return it to the TRIO office.