TRIO SSS at Lock Haven
TRIO SSS at Commonwealth University-Lock Haven is funded by the US Department of Education to serve 230 students who meet federal eligibility guidelines.
What is TRIO?
Federal TRIO Programs (Talent Search, Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math/Science, Veterans’ Upward Bound, Student Support Services, Educational Opportunity Centers, and the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program) help students to overcome economic, social, academic, and cultural barriers to higher education.
President Lyndon B. Johnson initiated the TRIO programs in 1965 to promote access to and graduation from four-year institutions of higher education. College graduates increase not only their own economic power, but also their families’ and the nation’s.
Department Information
Lock Haven was first awarded the TRIO SSS grant in the fall of 1980. Over 40+ years, TRIO SSS faculty and staff have dedicated themselves to teaching, consulting, mentoring, advising, and supporting countless students towards their goal of college graduation.
In August of 2020, the Lock Haven TRIO SSS program was awarded a $338,709, five-year grant from the US Department of Education to serve 230 students who meet federal eligibility guidelines. The program is also supported by additional funding and services from Commonwealth University-Lock Haven.
The goal of Lock Haven’s TRIO SSS program is to promote the academic success of students, leading to higher rates of good academic standing (2.0 grade point average or higher), retention (staying in college), and graduation. Students who are selected as TRIO SSS Scholars receive assistance with all aspects of their college transition and gain valuable access to university skills, as well as resources that promote success.
In order to apply for the TRIO SSS program, students must meet the following criteria set by the U.S. Department of Education. To be eligible, students must be:
- Enrolled or accepted for enrollment in a four-year degree program;
- A U.S. citizen or a legal/permanent resident;
- Have some level of academic need that could impact a student’s ability to succeed in college
AND at least one of the following:
- A First-Generation College Student (neither parent/guardian received a four-year/bachelor's degree)
- Low income based on Federal Income Guidelines
- Documented disability (learning, psychological, or physical as supported by documentation submitted to the Disability Services Office)
As mandated by Congress, two-thirds of Lock Haven’s TRIO SSS participants must include first-generation college students who also meet the federal income guidelines and one-third of the participants with documented disabilities must also qualify as low-income.
After a student has been accepted for enrollment and has subsequently paid their deposit, they are eligible to apply to Lock Haven’s TRIO SSS program. Students apply by submitting an online application that can be found via the link below.
Once the application is submitted, the student will be contacted to schedule a meeting with our Program Director in order to talk more about the program. Current students are also encouraged to apply!
The transition to higher education is often difficult and confusing. Program offerings provide participants with additional resources to promote success.
TRIO SSS faculty and staff serve as the core of the program, teaching, consulting, and advising to address student needs.
Students new to Commonwealth University-Lock Haven are encouraged to participate in the First Year Forward (FYF) first-year experience program, which provides a structure of workshop offerings, social opportunities, Peer Mentors, and faculty assistance in navigating the transition to college. Transfer students and nontraditional students are welcomed into First Year Forward, along with first-time freshmen.
A range of campus resources supplement TRIO SSS to support academic, career, financial, social, and personal needs. TRIO SSS personnel strongly encourage students to take advantage of Tutorial Services, Library Services, Disability Services, the Center for Career and Professional Development, the Center for Global Engagement, the HOPE Center, Counseling Services, Health Services, Community Service, and the Offices of Financial Aid, Student Accounts, the Registrar, and Student Involvement. We collaborate with personnel in all these areas and make referrals when appropriate.
This five-day bridge program—offered at no cost to participants—welcomes and orients new students directly before the fall semester begins, setting the stage for first-year success. TRIO SSS faculty and staff, along with campus and community leaders, facilitate a variety of activities to help students with the transition to college academically, technologically, financially, socially, culturally, and personally. BFF is open to transfer and non-traditional students, as well as traditional first-years.
Program Director Dr. Natalie Serafini meets individually with students to assess and assist with academic, financial, professional, and personal aspects of college. Each TRIO SSS Scholar should meet at least once a semester with Dr. Serafini to address their academic plan, as well as any questions about time management, study strategies, financial aid, career goals, and/or personal wellness.
Dr. Serafini also facilitates workshops on the nuts and bolts of college learning and on topics of particular interest to first-generation students. She is available to coach students at every step of the way from enrollment through graduation. SSS Scholars are encouraged to contact her with concerns, questions, or ideas at any point.
Writing Specialist Ms. Mackenzie Bowers assists TRIO SSS scholars with writing at every step of the process, from brainstorming ideas to revising drafts. Ms. Bowers can help with research papers, lab reports, discussion posts, resumes, cover letters, scholarship essays, graduate school applications, creative writing coursework, and whatever else might come up between coursework and other college-related activities. She can also assist with general study practices, critical reading skills, research methods, and familiarization with the expanding range of technology and applications used in classes. Ms. Bowers is available to meet with students in her office, Ulmer 204B and via Zoom. All TRIO SSS students are encouraged to meet with Ms. Bowers for help with prewriting, drafting, revising, studying, or using Zoom.
Ms. Bowers also holds various workshops for TRIO SSS scholars that cover critical reading, online learning success, job application documents, and the writing process. Let her know if you have an idea for a workshop, as Ms. Bowers is always eager to talk with students!
Finally, the Writing Specialist mentors the student editors of the TRIO SSS Newsletter, which is published at the end of each semester. The editor position is a wonderful opportunity for students who love writing, and who would like to gain experience in editing, publishing, interviewing, design and layout, communications, and public relations. Please email Ms. Bowers if you are interested!
TRIO SSS provides financial literacy workshops and resources to help students learn more about money management, credit, spending patterns, interest, budgeting, and identity protection. Programming is also offered to familiarize students with educational finance, such as FAFSA completion, state grants, scholarship applications, financial aid packages, the link between satisfactory academic progress and financial aid, and choices for repayment of loans. Students are assisted one-on-one with resolving student bill issues, and they receive referrals to the Office of Financial Aid. Altogether, TRIO SSS supports students toward the goal of reduced loan debt.
First- and second-year students who receive Pell Grant awards and actively participate in the Lock Haven’s TRIO SSS program may apply for grant aid. These scholarships are applied directly to the student’s financial aid package. Upper division students with dire financial need and good academic standing can also apply for grant aid. Applications become available each fall semester as the holiday break approaches.
Contact Dr. Natalie Serafini at nserafini@commonwealthu.edu with questions.
TRIO SSS Peer Mentors play a vital role in assisting first-year and transfer students with the transition to the college environment. New and transfer students are matched with a Peer Mentor who will reach out regularly to discuss potential challenges, connection to resources, and participation in social activities.
This introduction to the “TRIO Family” often proves crucial to first-year and transfer students’ academic confidence and sense of belonging at CU-Lock Haven.
Active SSS Scholars have the opportunity to participate in social and cultural activities throughout the year. Past cultural destinations include New York City, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C. Students have also traveled to see dance and musical performances at Pennsylvania State University and the Williamsport Community Arts Center. Locally, there are frequent social and cultural activities, including game nights, craft nights, literary readings, and theater performances.
Events vary by semester, so participants should monitor the Event Calendar and check their email for current opportunities.
The TRIO SSS Team consists of the Program Director, the Writing Specialist, the Program Coordinator, and a cohort of Peer Mentors. These personnel collaborate to offer a network of support to SSS Scholars.
Program Director
Dr. Natalie Serafini is originally from the central Pennsylvania area. In addition to her degrees in Psychology, Counseling, and Educational Leadership, she has obtained national certification in counseling (NCC) and completed coursework as a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP). Dr. Serafini was recently employed as a trauma therapist, consulting with school districts across Pennsylvania to implement PDE's Trauma-Informed Approach Plan. She has also worked as a school counselor with more than 4,000 students across all settings (K-12), with additional experiences as a Behavioral Specialist, Therapist, SEL Teacher, and Clinical Coordinator. Dr. Serafini started her professional counseling career as a part of the TRIO: Upward Bound program here at Lock Haven and was very excited to return to her undergraduate institution in the role of Director of TRIO SSS.
Connect with Dr. Natalie Serafini
Writing Specialist
Mackenzie Bowers has dedicated her career to supporting learning through writing. Before her role with Lock Haven TRIO SSS, she worked with writers as they developed their work for publication, and had several positions in the publishing industry, including editing literary magazines and working with literary agents.
Aside from reading and writing, Mackenzie enjoys rugby, animals, and keeping up with the latest TV shows on HBO Max and Hulu. She has had numerous short stories and poems published in various literary journals and magazines, and is passionate about helping students find their voices through their writing.
Mackenzie received her M.Litt in Creative Writing from the University of Stirling in Scotland, and her B.A. in Creative Writing and English- Editing and Publishing from Susquehanna University.
Program Coordinator
Marianne Guinter joined Lock Haven TRIO SSS as Administrative Assistant in 2018, working “behind the scenes” to help coordinate TRIO events and trips, gather and compile data for annual grant reporting, and run a tight administrative ship. In her current position as Program Coordinator, she is expanding her role to step out from “behind the scenes” and work with students through the NextGen Professionals Program, which includes a career mentoring component. She brings to LHU eleven years of experience as an HR professional.
Ms. Guinter was a first-generation college student, receiving an A.S. in Legal Studies from Central Pennsylvania Business College and a B.S. in Paralegal/Legal Assistant Studies from Pennsylvania College of Technology.