Student Well-Being and Health Promotion


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The Office of Student Well-being and Health Promotion provides educational programs, preventative services, and fun events to help Commonwealth University students adopt healthy behaviors and live a healthy life.

We know that healthy students are successful students, so we work with partners across campus to promote student well-being—spreading the word and making sure students are aware of healthy alternatives for food choices, active lifestyles, stress management, sleep hygiene and social connection activities. 

Vital members of our office include:

  • The Office of Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention and Intervention Services focuses on education and prevention to help students fully understand how a choice to use alcohol and other drugs can affect their health/safety, academic performance, legal standing, and future career.
  • Student Peer Health Educators are students who are trained to educate peers with accurate and up-to-date information about various health issues that affect student success. Student peer health educators regularly host informational tables where educational games, handouts, brochures, and giveaways are supplied for students to support their well-being. The peer health educators are also available to present in the classroom, at student organization meetings, and in the residence halls.
  • Wellness Coaches are trained graduate-level students who provide free, one-on-one guidance to students wanting to make behavior changes in the areas of sleep, stress management, social connection and substance use concerns. Wellness coaches provide action-oriented, strengths-focused assistance using motivational interviewing techniques, coping strategies and referrals to other supportive resources, including the Counseling Center.
Illustration of Mountain

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