PASS Program

Students not in Good Academic Standing (below 2.0 GPA) are expected to participate in and complete the PASS (Partnership for Achieving Student Success) Program.

This is a program designed to help students who have run into academic difficulties learn, grow, and develop. The PASS Program is a partnership between students and their Success Specialist created to help them recognize and overcome academic or personal obstacles they have experienced.

PASS is not a punishment. We understand students face many issues in their lives that can affect their academic performance, and it is not uncommon for students to experience semesters where they are at less than their best. Our Success Specialists want students to do well and figure out how to overcome difficulties and move forward on their academic journey.

PASS Goals

  • Help students develop the skills and behaviors necessary to be academic successful
  • Provide students with the opportunity to build relationships with the Student Success staff
  • Identify barriers to academic success and make a plan to navigate and overcome those obstacles

Lack of participation in the PASS program will be considered if a student needs to appeal for financial aid or academic issues. This means that student participation and effort will be reported to the appropriate committees to be considered as part of any appeal process.

Academic Standing Policy Satisfactory Academic Progress

PASS Expectations

  • Track weekly study hours
  • Attend campus specific workshops
  • Campus specific peer mentorship opportunities
  • Meet with your assigned Student Success Specialist
Illustration of Mountain

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