Institutional Surveys

Surveys provide information about the learning, living, and working experiences of key stakeholders, and the results inform the institution's strategic direction, priorities, goals, and actions.

First Destination Survey Reports

The First Destination Survey is a career placement survey that CU uses to capture the status and perceptions of its graduates. First Destination data is collected to assist colleges and departments with programmatic reviews and accreditation needs. Prior to 2022-23, each campus administered a slightly different survey, but the survey has been streamlined and future results data will be provided using the same format.  Please read the campus reports available to date in the sections below.

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)

The Pennsylvania State System universities have participated in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) for many years, though at different intervals and rotations, to assess the quality of the undergraduate education and use results to improve various aspects of the student experience.

What is the NSSE?

Offered at hundreds of four-year colleges and universities, the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) collects information about student participation in programs and activities that that institutions provide for students’ learning and personal development.

Survey items represent empirically confirmed "good practices" in undergraduate education. The results provide an estimate of how undergraduates spend their time and what they gain from attending college.

When is the NSSE given?

Commonwealth University and the State System administer the online NSSE once every three years during the spring semester. The most recent survey administration was Spring 2022.

How do we use the results?

The use of the NSSE results occurs at the university, college, and department/unit levels. NSSE provides a variety of reports that compare our students' responses with those of students at other 4-year universities. The NSSE Snapshot reports point to areas where colleges and universities are performing well and aspects of the undergraduate experience that could be improved. Results are used to better develop our curricular and co-curricular offerings, academic rigor, student support services, and academic advisement practices.

The NSSE results for the Spring 2022 administration are available as follows:

  1. NSSE Dashboard: This dashboard reports 2022 survey responses for the campuses, for CU in aggregate, and for peer groups where available.  Some trend data from past survey administrations are also reported where comparable and available.
  2. NSSE Slide Deck with Notes:  This slide deck provides information on the survey administration, response rates, and interpreting results.  For each survey category, the slide deck includes a narrative summary and charts/tables on selected results that, in most cases, highlight the top 2-3 ratings and 2-3 greatest opportunities for improvement (OFIs).  Some slides include notes with a brief narrative about the information/data presented.
  3. NSSE Summary of Selected Results and Initiatives: For each category, this document summarizes high-level OFIs and existing/potential initiatives that CU may be currently pursuing or may pursue in the near future.

System Climate Survey

The System Climate Survey web page provides more detail about the first climate survey administered systemwide regarding classroom, campus, and community interactions and environments. Questions were categorized into seven key areas including campus safety, discrimination & bias, diversity & inclusion, engagement, overall climate, politics, and religion.  The survey results will establish baseline data to drive strategic initiatives and success measures aimed at improving student and employee experiences. Please see the town hall presentations / slides and data dashboards linked below.