OIE-Sponsored Technology

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness supports faculty and staff with technologies to collect, analyze, and use data to inform decision-making and track progress toward goal attainment.


Lightcast (formerly Emsi) is an essential tool that brings together statistics and trends, demographics, and higher education data to provide integral labor market information to Commonwealth University and other PASSHE schools. Key CU offices and personnel were granted access to Lightcast to conduct analyses for new program proposals, annual reports, 5-year program reviews, and accreditation reports. Please contact our department for more information on Lightcast.List of account holders

Nuventive Solutions Premier (formerly TracDat or Nuventive Improve) is the newest platform available for academic programs and administrative/student support units to use as a repository for program/unit assessment plans and results, student learning outcomes assessment data, annual reports, and documentation related to 5-year program reviews and accreditations. Additionally, reports can be generated which may be useful for program and unit assessments. Nuventive Solutions Premier is a highly versatile tool which can be customized to meet your needs. Please contact OIE for more information on Nuventive Solutions Premier.  CU faculty and staff can log in by clicking on the linked text and using SSO.  Additional materials will be added to this web page and trainings held to assist navigation of the new platform.

PAR – Nuventive User Guide (for Academic Programs)

Administrative Units - Nuventive User Guide

Qualtrics is a powerful and versatile survey platform which is available to the University community. Qualtrics can be used for collecting and analyzing data for research projects, assessment and planning purposes, or for general feedback. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness oversees the administration of Qualtrics. Please contact our department for information on Qualtrics or to obtain your login credentials.

Bloomsburg Qualtrics PlatformLock Haven Qualtrics Platform

Getting Started with Qualtrics

You can create a Qualtrics account through the BL Qualtrics homepage or the LH Qualtrics homepage: • Click Don't have an account. • Enter your bloomu email address or your LH email address respectively • You do not need an access code. • Click Sign me up.

Getting Started

Before disseminating any survey, consult with the IRB for possible needed approval.

Basic Overview


Use the left-side navigation pane to explore different topics.



Basic Survey Overview
  1. Configuring Your Research Project
  2. Survey Module Overview
Adding & Styling Survey Questions
  1. Configuring Your Research Project
  2. Creating Survey Questions
  3. Editing and Formatting Survey Questions
Controlling Questions & Answer Choices
  1. Configuring Your Research Project
  2. Response Requirements and Validation
Question Behavior & Display Logic
  1. Survey Question Behavior
  2. Survey Display Logic
Question Block Options
  1. Survey Block Options
Survey Flow
  1. Survey Flow Overview
  2. Configuring Your Research Project
Survey Tools
  1. Survey Tools Overview
Recoding Values
  1. Understanding Your Feedback
Capturing Embedded Data
  1. Configuring Your Research Project
Sharing Survey Project
  1. Finalizing Your Project
Email Distribution Overview
  1. Email Distribution Overview
Creating & Importing Contact Lists
  1. Importing Contact Form
  2. Collecting Research Feedback
Composing the Email Survey Invitation
  1. Emailing a Survey Invitation
  2. Collecting Research Feedback
Sending Reminder Emails to Non-respondents
  1. Sending Reminder Emails
  2. Collecting Research Feedback
Anonymous Distributions
  1. Collecting Research Feedback
  2. Anonymous Distributions
Exporting Response Data
  1. Exporting Response Data
  2. Understanding Your Feedback
Data & Analysis Tab
  1. Data Analysis Overview
Recorded Responses
  1. Recorded Responses
Results vs Reports
  1. Results vs Reports
Results Page
  1. Results-Reports Basic Overview
  2. Understanding Your Feedback
  3. Visualizations Overview
  4. Reporting Your Feedback
Advanced Reports
  1. Advanced-Reports Basic Overview
  2. Inserting Advanced-Reports Content
  3. Reporting Your Feedback
Sharing Reports
  1. Sharing Your Report
  2. Reporting Your Feedback