Lock Haven Athletic Training Program Holds Annual Awards Banquet

Lock Haven


The Commonwealth University-Lock Haven athletic training program hosted its annual awards banquet, recognizing the 2023 graduating class and honoring student achievements. The AT Awards banquet was held in the Durrwachter Alumni Center on Wednesday, May 10.

Lock Haven athletic training alumna, Miranda Fisher ’10, was this year’s guest speaker. Fisher is the assistant director of sports medicine at Shippensburg University. She shared some of her favorite memories about Lock Haven, and how her education prepared her for her career. Fisher also gave words of encouragement and congratulations to the graduating class. 

There were several scholarships awarded to incoming and current Masters of Science in Athletic Training (MS-AT) students at the banquet. The David J. Tomasi Scholarship was presented to Justin Bell, of Beaver, a first-year MS-AT student, and current Athletic Training Club vice president. This scholarship is awarded to an incoming second year student in the MS-AT program who demonstrates outstanding potential as a future athletic trainer and has a GPA of 3.2 or higher in the graduate program. 

The Dr. Yvette Ingram Scholarship was awarded to Alexis Curtis, of South Plainfield, New Jersey, a first-year MS-AT student. This scholarship is awarded to a first- or second-year MS-AT student who is highly involved in the profession of athletic training and exemplifies volunteerism. Other activities such as involvement in sports, clubs, projects, and activities associated with the Athletic Training Club, the Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers’ Society (PATS), and Eastern Athletic Trainers’ Association (EATA). 

The Health Sciences Faculty Scholarship was presented to Julia Haines, of Pleasant Gap, an incoming MS-AT student. This scholarship is awarded to any health science student, including MS-AT students and is chosen by the Health Science Scholarship Committee. 

The Athletic Training Alumni Scholarship is given to an incoming first-year MS-AT student and was awarded to Abigail Rea, of Leesport, current Athletic Training Club president.  

The Outstanding Athletic Training Student Award is given to a second-year graduating student who demonstrates excellent qualities as an athletic trainer and student and is voted on by their peers. The receipt for the graduating class of 2023 was Calista Paolino, of Reading. 

A fall and spring Outstanding Athletic Training Student Award is also given to students that are nominated by their preceptor for going above and beyond during their clinical and are voted on by the athletic training faculty. For the fall 2022 semester, there were several recipients of this award including second-year students Karly Trillhaase, of Eatontown, New Jersey, and Conner Timbrell, of Danville, and first-year students Justin Bell, Alexis Curtis, and Caleb MacWhinnie, of Lock Haven. For the spring 2023 semester, first-year students Justin Bell and Keira McCormick, of Tioga, were selected. 

The Service Award was given to Taylor Johns, of South Fork, a 2023 graduate of the MS-AT program. Johns served as the Athletic Training Club secretary from December 2021 to December 2022 and chosen for this award because of her dedication and contributions to the Lock Haven community. 

The Mentoring Award was presented to Taylor Terwilliger, of Addison, New York, a first-year student in the MS-AT program and current secretary of the Athletic Training Club. Terwilliger was chosen for the award for playing a vital role in positively influencing other students in the program through her leadership, knowledge, and commitment. 

