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  • Careers

CU-Lock Haven brings prominent artist to campus

cCommonwealth University-Lock Haven art and design faculty member, Jason Bronner, invited prominent artist, Mark Schultz, to campus to speak with art students about his experience and professional...



The Policing Power of Three: NYS Trooper draws from Mansfield, Bloomsburg and Lock Haven

The partnership between Commonwealth University and the New York State Police began as a simple matter of geography. But a solid Criminal Justice program, interested students, and a welcoming air in...


  • University-wide

Magisterial District Judge, Denise L. Dieter, Class of 1990

Denise L. Dieter is a 1990 graduate of Mansfield University and a 1993 graduate of Widener University School of Law. She was admitted to Mansfield through the Act 101 Program in June of 1986. Dieter...




Winter internship with car dealership prepares management major for career in human resources

Through sheer intrigue, Lauryn Male was gifted with an amazing real-world experience she hopes will help launch her career in human resources. Her curiosity in working at Brown-Daub Dealerships in...


From one "Commonwealth" to Another: CU-Bloomsburg Grads Bring Skills to State Government

Not only are Bloomsburg students acquiring the knowledge to be working professionals while on campus, but they're also honing the skills that will make them invaluable assets to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


Adaptability of Bloom Grads Key in Digital Marketing Sphere

Sire Advertising, founded by Shawn Felty in August 2002, is a full-service digital advertising agency based in Selinsgrove and specializes a wide range of services from interactive web development...


Keeping the (Credit) Score: Alum Brings Students up to Speed on Financial Literacy

Commonwealth University's Career Intensive Boot Camp (CIBC) is more than just a program; it's a platform where alumni like Jennifer Daddario '89, Regional Vice President of Service 1st Federal Credit...



  • University-wide

Commonwealth University seeks employers for spring career expo

Commonwealth University is seeking employers to participate in several boutique-style career expos it will offer to its students during the spring 2024 semester at its Bloomsburg, Lock Haven and...


  • University-wide

Supporting Students in Their 'Thirst' for Success

As a Board of Governors scholarship recipient and member of the Husky Ambassadors, Gerald Douglas ‘18 had multiple opportunities to volunteer within the campus community. He developed the leadership...
