The Voice lands five Gold Circle Awards

Bloomsburg University’s student newspaper, The Voice, brought home five awards from the recent Gold Circle Awards national competition, including a first and two second place prizes. Their work was chosen by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association from among 4,166 entries submitted by colleges and universities from across the United States.
Taylor Ploeger, editor in chief, won a first-place award for her personal opinion piece on vanity sizing, discussing the changes clothing stores are making every day with body images.
News editors Rachel Wright ’17 and Bitania Yemane teamed with writer Nicole Kelly for a second-place award for their news package, “Let’s Talk About Race.”
“Rachel thought it would be interesting to cover something that is important and needs to be talked about on campus,” Yemane said. “I want people to know that racism is real, and it happens here at Bloomsburg. The problem is no one talks about it. We can become a better community where people can feel safe and welcomed.”
The Voice staff as a whole was runner-up in Headline Writing. Certificates of Merit were awarded to Joshua Lloyd, arts editor, for his review “Logan’ Runs Deep” and Evin Hartsock, managing sports editor, for sports page design.