TALE Center holds teaching academy

Ten faculty participated in the Teaching Excellence Academy offered by TALE (Teaching and Learning Enhancement) Center and funded by the Dean of Graduate Studies, Research, and Innovation.
Each faculty member earned fellowship status by redesigning a course following the principles of backward design and learner-centered teaching. Faculty met through Zoom daily for two weeks where they discussed a variety of scholarly works and guides that allowed them to contemplate their redesign. They then applied the principles to their courses, most of which will have some online component.
Faculty were awarded a certificate and professional development money.
Faculty from Bloomsburg University included:
- Dr. Denise Davidson
- Dr. David Fazzino
- Dr. John Hintz
- Dr. John-Erik Koslosky
- Dr. Debra Minzola
- Dr. Conrad Quintyn
Faculty from Mansfield University who participated were:
- Dr. Gregory Carson
- Dr. Jennifer Demchak
- Dr. Shelly Ji
- Dr. Brad Lint