Taking THIS next step toward law school

Molly Bitner approached her internship with state Rep. Joanna McClinton (D-139) last semester in Harrisburg with a social work perspective and sights set on law school.
And the recent Bloomsburg University graduate walked away not only a step closer to Elon Law but with a portfolio filled with a plethora of experiences and projects related to public policy and efforts to end prison gerrymandering.
“Confidence was something I was lacking when I began the internship, and it increased with the responsibilities and projects I was given,” Bitner ’19 said. “I was hesitant about my work at first — being only an intern and worrying about proving myself — but as I became more comfortable with the tasks and received more feedback, my confidence grew. I learned how to be surer of myself and show that in my work.”
Bitner’s internship experience was done through the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education’s The Harrisburg Internship Semester (THIS) program, which provides State System students the opportunity to work in all areas of state government while earning a full semester’s worth of credits and a stipend of $4,000 to live in the state capital.
“In the beginning of my undergraduate career, I wanted to work with individuals and families,” Bitner said. “As I progressed through my studies, I realized a lot of the problems people face are due to policies implemented by the government or organizations. That realization led me to pursue a career in which I could make a change and impact in the public policy arena.”
THIS helped Bitner get ready to do just that.
“Many people don’t realize there are different dimensions and arenas in the field of social work, policy being one of them,” Bitner said. “THIS was a perfect fit for my interests and aspirations.”
Among the highlights of Bitner’s internship included:
- writing talking points
- creating PowerPoint presentations
- wrote a bill analysis
- helped with research for many topics, mostly prison gerrymandering
- attended meetings with other officials, lobbyists, and interest groups
- sat on the House floor during sessions
“The overall experience in Harrisburg was great, and I’m so thankful for the opportunity to get an inside look of state government,” Bitner said. “There’s a lot more that goes into creating policies and laws than one might think. I was lucky to have a great team of people to work with in Rep. McClinton’s office, and Rep. McClinton herself was so motivating and a role model for me.”
She added, “Being able to work with the first African-American and first woman to hold the position of Democratic Caucus Chair was eye-opening, and I learned so much from her regarding how to carry myself professionally and how to care for others.”
Next up for Bitner — law school this fall at Elon University, Greensboro, N.C.
“THIS has made me confident I can handle the rigorous work of law school and was very influential in the admissions process,” Bitner said. “I think THIS is an experience that should be taken advantage of by more students, because it shows you aren’t afraid to break out of your comfort zone and work hard. It also gives you a different perspective on politics and the policy making process, and the students also bring a fresh perspective to their offices and agencies they work with.”