Students in FBLA Bring Home Awards

The Commonwealth University-Bloomsburg Chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) brought home several awards from the 51st Annual Pennsylvania State Leadership Conference in Harrisburg, including three first-place awards and the Advisor of the Year award.
At the chapter level, the Bloomsburg FBLA team, including Jonathan Whitesall and Caitlyn Koelble, placed first with their Community Service Project and for the Gold Seal Award of Merit. For the individual awards, Kimberly Speece and Erica Trella placed first for their State of Chapter, and Madeliene Mamourian and Natalie Miller placed second in Social Media Marketing. Individually, Aviel Kuhn placed second in Business Communication, Erica Trella placed second in the job interview, Kimberly Speece placed third in Management Concepts and was elected State President.
Dr. Jeremy Jeffery, advisor for the Bloomsburg FBLA chapter, additionally took home the award for advisor of the year. "I am very honored by the students of FBLA Collegiate to be nominated, and win, the Advisor of the Year Award," says Jeffery. "The students have worked hard this year through a variety of activities, including increasing membership and community service, and I am very gracious that they nominated me for the award. As an advisor, I enjoy seeing the club grow and the students taking and completing leadership that improves both their school and the town of Bloomsburg."
"Congratulations to all our students who have been recognized for their hard work, as well as to Dr. Jeffery for being named the Advisor of the Year," said Bashar W. Hanna, president of Commonwealth University. "It is gratifying to have dedicated faculty who work hard on behalf of their students, and who are focused on supporting their success."
The FBLA Collegiate is a non-profit organization that helps students transition to the business world. It is one of the largest career student organizations in the world.