Student trustee attends PACT Conference
Julia Burcin, BU Student Council of Trustees member, gained news knowledge of higher education

Bloomsburg University student trustee Julia Burcin gained new insight into the role and responsibilities of a trustee at the PACT (Pennsylvania Association of Trustees) conference held in March.
A junior from Bethlehem, Burcin is majoring in communication sciences disorders, with minors in aging studies, gerontology, and linguistics, and is also a member of BU’s women’s volleyball team.
The PACT conference is held to educate trustees on national trends in higher education, to apprise trustees of issues facing the State System, and to inform and update trustees about academic programs and administrative policies of the 14 State System universities.
“As a member of the Council of Trustees, I was invited to the PACT conference to learn more about the behind the scenes work and so I would be better able to serve the students in my role,” said Burcin. The conference covered the budget process and how the state system has made significant changes over the past years, including funding for higher education. All trustees were asked to reach out to their Pennsylvania Representatives and Senators to ask them to support funding in the state system. The Trustees also conduct an annual evaluation of the president, given to the Chancellor for submission to PASSHE’s board of governors.
To prepare for the conference, PASSE vice president for academic affairs and equity initiatives “Dr. Denise Pearson asked us to read and reflect on the board of governor’s statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion.”
With this opportunity, Burcin was able to take away knowledge and make connections along the way.
“Being a student trustee has impacted me in many positive ways. We attended seminars and connected with people from all universities,” said Burcin, “I connected with the student trustees at other PASSHE schools. We were able to create relationships and are planning to continue the communication among student trustees. We are also hoping for a student panel next spring.”
Burcin plans to attend the conference next spring because of the impression it left on her. “I have been able to use my voice to make sure our students and their education are being put first,” said Burcin,
“My plan for after college is to attend graduate school and earn my master’s degree in speech-language pathology.”