Nursing major selected for Sigma Theta Tau award

Savannah Hurst, a senior majoring in nursing at Bloomsburg University, has been honored with the Sigma Theta Tau, Theta Zeta Chapter Society Award. The Sigma Theta Tau award recognizes a BSN, MSN, or Ph.D. student who is a member of the Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society and demonstrates a high level of academic achievement, leadership, and service.
"When I won the award from Sigma Theta Tau, I felt pride and accomplishment. This has been a long and tough journey," said Hurst, from Gettysburg, Pa.
Hurst's time management skills helped her succeed in school while also working three jobs during her academic career.
"I used extensive time management to balance work with school and was considered PRN or as needed staff, so I could schedule work whenever I could fit it in," said Hurst, "Work for me was a huge help in gaining excellent experience with patient care. The most challenging aspect of juggling school and social life is a feeling of anxiety and stress when my schoolwork is not done immediately," said Hurst, "The overwhelming feeling most nursing students get."
While it has been a challenging ride for Hurst these past four years, she is eager to put her degree to use. "Nursing is a work of the heart and requires dedication. Throughout school, I have learned a lot, not only textbook related but also about myself," said Hurst, "I cannot wait to put my nursing degree to use and save as many lives as I can, both physically and emotionally."
After graduation, Hurst will begin a job in Maryland, working in an emergency department. "I also have plans to begin a family and spend a lot of time with my own family," said Hurst. "Since being in nursing school, I have realized that time with my family is something not to for granted and that tomorrow is not always promised."
"Ultimately, my goal is to be a labor and delivery nurse or an emergency department nurse. I have fallen in love with both of them and will see where my journey takes me."