Nursing Graduates Have Pinning Ceremony

Commonwealth University–Bloomsburg’s School of Nursing held its annual pinning ceremony on Saturday, May 6, at the Haas Center for the Arts, Mitrani Hall.
In total, 139 nursing students from the Class of 2023 received their pins to celebrate their accomplishments as well as look forward to their future as professional nurses.
Dr. Jessica Bower, chairperson of the School of Nursing, gave remarks and presented the students with their pins, while remarks also were offered by Dr. Diana Rogers-Adkinson, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs; Dr. Leo-Felix Jurado, dean, College of Health Professions; and Dr. Kimberly Olszewski, senior associate dean, School of Nursing.
The distinctive nursing pin of Bloomsburg nursing was designed by the students of the class of 1979, the first graduates of the nursing program. The first part of the pin is its colors, maroon and gold, which represent the colors of Bloomsburg University. The second part is the Nightingale flame, which signifies enlightenment, new knowledge, and new experiences. The final part is the inscription “QUALITAE DEDICAT,” which means dedicated to quality. These three parts of the nursing pin symbolize the accomplishments of Bloomsburg nursing students, and signifies achievement, dedication, and commitment to nursing.
Nursing Class of 2023
Taylor Adamchick | Auston Fisher | Brooke Kratzer | Chloe Reeder | |||
Jennifer Adams # | Lea Fisher | Lexus Kurtz # | Hannah Reiter | |||
Ava Aloisi | Sarah Flanders | Sophia Lami | Jenna Rogers # | |||
Michael Belles | Emily Fox # | Gina Latona | Elizabeth Roper, RN | |||
Olivia Bender | Dominic Fresoli | Michael LeBlanc | Kayla Roth | |||
Kendall Bernardyn | Emma E. Gavornik | Laurel Lokhaiser | Alexis Saldukas | |||
Olivia Bobko | Abigail Giger | Joseph Lynn | Courtney Schneider | |||
Brooke Bolus | Makayla Gingrich | Brianna Manuel | Lauren Nicole Schrader | |||
Olivia Bower | Caroline Goffa | Stephen Martisofski III | Abby Shaffer | |||
Sommer K. Bowersox # | Amanda Griffiths | Owen Martz | Haley Shaw | |||
Molly Brown | Mycah Grist | Meadow McCarthy | Ashlie Sitler, RN | |||
Cleora Brown, RN | Abigail Groff # | Olivia McNally | Rylie Slate | |||
Kate Canfield # | Alexis Groshek | Christina McNeely | Isaac Smith | |||
Sarah Castronova | Luz Guerrero Lorenzo | Molly Meeker | Samantha Smoluk | |||
Kyle Cavanagh | Caitlyn Haas | Samantha Miceli | Madison Snook | |||
Madison Cavenas | Madison Hackney | Tessa Miller | Bethany Spahn, RN | |||
Gavin Corrigan | Emily Hepler | Cassianna Monkoski | Catherine M. Spencer | |||
Bailey Crager# | Megan Heyer | Gracen Mott | Elizabeth Stevenson | |||
Alyson N. Crothers | Allyson Hirneisen | Jillian Mott | Zhenya Stump | |||
Caitlin Crouse | Kaitlyn Hoke # | Allyson Neatrour | Erin Sunday # | |||
Daniel Crouse # | Lilly Houseknecht | Kayla Newmiller | Savannah Tiday | |||
Hilary Crouser, RN | Juliet L. Hower | Jaden Noll # | Taylor Tobias, RN | |||
Madison Cummons | Courtney Hubric | Alexis Norris | Marisa Traina | |||
Shekuba Daboh | Rebekah Hughes | Kaylee Oman | Abbie Treaster | |||
Brooke Katherine Daczewitz | Rachel Iredale # | Emily Otero | Brianna Vanluvanee, RN | |||
John David, RN | Ashley James | Jenna Park | Molly A. Weaver | |||
Jessica Deeter | Alyssa Johnson | Kara Parker | Taylor Wexler | |||
Steven Derewicz, RN | Angela Josifi | Katherine E. Patrick | Alexus Williams-Burrell | |||
Anne Devries | Erica Josifi | Jillian Pellish | Laura Willis | |||
Draven Doebler # | Rebecca Kahl | Kaitlyn Petner | Sarah Wolfe | |||
Savannah Doney | Magdalena Keener | Amanda Pierce | Kayla Wyllie, RN | |||
Kristina Drozda, RN | Sydney Koons | Jared Player | Zachary Zerbe | |||
Jillian Dunkelberger | Maqqel Kosoglow | Campbell Power | Taylor Zerphey, RN | |||
Kailyn Erbe | Dominique Kowalick | Maddison Probst | Haley Zettlemoyer | |||
Mckenna Farner | Savannah Kratzer | George Reasner | ||||