Lock Haven Sport Studies Department Hosts Virtual Alumni Speaker Series
Lock Haven
Commonwealth University-Lock Haven recently welcomed sport management alumnus, Zachary Klein, of Danville, via Zoom to speak about his role as the senior director of ticket operations at FanSummit at Towson University. Klein, who was enrolled in the accelerated sport management program, graduated from Lock Haven in May 2021 with both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree.

FanSummit is a consulting company that focuses on innovation and fan engagement within collegiate athletics. During the presentation, attended by sport management students, Klein spoke about his journey from Lock Haven University to his current position at Towson University.
While at Lock Haven, Klein worked in the sports information office and also was a member of the fraternity, Alpha Sigma Phi. He found an interest in ticket operations after working at the Little League World Series in South Williamsport. Upon graduation, he completed his field experience with the Williamsport Crosscutters baseball team as a ticket assistant and established connections that helped him find his current position with FanSummit.
Klein's biggest advice to students was to take every opportunity presented to them and stay hardworking, driven, and passionate about their work. Experience on resumes, especially in the sports industry, is imperative to make an applicant stand out among peers. "I wish I took more interest in smaller activities with the sport management club, because those smaller events add up and show you are driven and hardworking beyond those bigger events," Klein added.
While a student, Klein attended a sport management club trip to Cleveland, where the group toured the Cleveland Browns' stadium, Cleveland Cavaliers' arena, and the Pro Football Hall of Fame, as well as volunteering at a fan fest event at Penn State University.
"I am glad Zach was able to take the time to speak with students about his career path and how the sport management program at Lock Haven helped him achieve his career goals," said Hailey Farr, graduate assistant. "He is a recent graduate that was able to provide prudent insight to students as he was in our shoes not that long ago."
For more information on the port Management program at Lock Haven, visit lockhaven.edu/sportadmin or contact Peter Campbell, management/sport studies lead at pcampbel@commonwealthu.edu.