Lock Haven Office of Community Service Hosts Inaugural 'Big Event'
Lock Haven
During the Spring semester, the Office of Community Service at Commonwealth University-Lock Haven hosted its inaugural week of giving event called, "The Big Event." More than 50 students, faculty, and staff participated in 11 community service projects on campus and in the community throughout the week.

Service projects on campus and in the local community were identified by students, faculty and staff and anyone within the campus community could choose one or more projects to take part in.
The projects included Roads to Peace flower bed project (Alpha Sigma Tau), SPCA Dog Walk (Kappa Delta Rho), LHU rocks (Order of Omega), Flowers for Seniors (Outreach for Humanity), campus spring cleanup (LH Student Government Association), Campus Orchard Project (Biology Club), Jared Box Project (Sigma Kappa), Sleep Out for the Homeless (Outreach for Humanity), Bald Eagle State Park spring cleanup (Alpha Chi Rho), Lock Haven Fire Hall (Sigma Sigma Sigma) and CleanScapes Route 44 Roadside Cleanup.
For those not participating in a service project, but who wished to help during the event, monetary donations for several causes, including the Clinton County Life Center/Merit House, the Clinton County Housing Coalition, and the Children's Miracle Network Dance Marathon, were accepted.