Lock Haven native completes immersive experience at PSU through CU-Lock Haven athletic training program
Lock Haven

Caleb MacWhinnie, of Lock Haven, graduated this spring from Commonwealth University-Lock Haven with a bachelor's degree om exercise science and a master's degree in athletic training. During his last semester at CU-Lock Haven, he completed a full-immersive experience at Penn State University.
Beginning his rotation in early January, MacWhinnie worked with the PSU football team, helping the student-athletes through their rehabilitation and providing medical care during practices, lifting sessions and at the Blue and White game.
"A skill that I developed during my time at Penn State is my ability to diagnose injuries and develop rehabilitation programs, as well as learning and using blood flow restriction," MacWhinne said.
Throughout this immersive experience, MacWhinnie was able to gain exposure to acute and chronic injuries of both upper and lower extremities, strengthening his ability to treat and diagnose them. He also strengthened his ability to create and guide athletes through rehabilitation programs for a variety of injuries.
"Lock Haven"s athletic training program treated me like family and nourished me throughout my time where I was able to grow and develop my skill as a clinician," MacWhinnie said. "My clinical rotations and immersion experience allowed me hands-on experience and provided real-world opportunities to develop my professional skills and enhance my professionalism."