Lock Haven freshman receives Alumni Association Scholarship

Lock Haven


Nicholas Beiter, of Williamsport, is one of nine recipients of the Lock Haven University Alumni Association Scholarship for the 2021-22 school year. Beiter is a freshman majoring in business administration at Lock Haven University.

Beiter was drawn to LHU by the “cozy” size of campus and because of its proximity to his home, which allows him to save money by commuting. Beiter makes the 25-mile trip from Williamsport to The Haven Monday through Friday, while also working four days a week as a food service host for UPMC Susquehanna.

The scholarship money he received is critical in helping him work toward earning his degree.

“To have that financial boost, it’s a huge help for me,” he said. “It’s also helping to ease my financial burdens (down the line) so it definitely makes me more focused and more invested in my future.”

Since arriving on campus last fall, he said the atmosphere has been warm and welcoming, and he enjoys that he can get to any part of campus with a less-than 15-minute walk. He is also impressed by how engaging his professors are and the respect they afford him.

The LHU Alumni Association Scholarship is awarded annually to multiple incoming freshman. Recipients must have GPA of 3.0 or higher, along with a minimum SAT score of 1100.

Beiter is not only grateful for the financial assistance, but also that the scholarship recognizes his academic accomplishments from high school.

“I feel insanely honored and lucky,” Beiter said. “I didn’t get too many awards in high school. Imagine my excitement when I hadn’t even started college, and I was told I’d be receiving a merit scholarship. My mom and dad were also really proud too.”

“When I wrote my thank you letter, I wanted the donors of my scholarship to know that I was going to try my hardest, and to let them know that their money would not be taken for granted,” he added.

As he nears the end of his first year at LHU, Beiter said he is focused on doing everything necessary to make sure he completes his degree within the next four years. His professional goal is to transition to a well-paying management position in a thriving and innovative industry, but he also recognizes that professional satisfaction is just as important as the salary he aims to earn.

“I would really like to find a job that makes me feel like I am not just working for a paycheck,” Beiter said. “I want to find a job where the work is totally fulfilling.”

