Lock Haven Campus to Host Black History Month Events
Lock Haven
Lock Haven University invites the community to upcoming campus events celebrating Black History Month.

On Wednesday, Feb. 15 "LHU Black History Panel - Focus on the 1970s" will be held at 7 p.m. in the Price Performance Center Auditorium. The panel will be an opportunity for members of the Lock Haven campus and surrounding community to learn more about LHU history from the perspective of African American graduates. Panelists will share their prospective and insights from their time at The Haven.
Alumni panelists include Ed Wright '71, Dan Elby '71, Philip Overton '72, and Sam Vaughn '72. The program will be moderated by Albert Jones '99, chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer for Commonwealth University.
For more information about the panelists, or to register for the event, visit www.lockhaven.edu/blackhistory/.
The presentation, "Why DEI is Not Enough: Using the Inclusive Excellence Framework to Create and Sustain a Culture of Belonging" will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the Parsons Union Building, Multipurpose Room.
The event will be presented by Shavonne Shorter, associate provost for equity and inclusion, chief diversity officer, and associate professor in the department of communication and digital studies at University of Mary Washington. Shorter will examine the importance of an Inclusive Excellence Framework in growing and sustaining a diverse and inclusive learning, living, and working environment that has belonging at its core.
Both events are free and open to the public. For more information, contact Kenneth Hall at khall3@commonwealthu.edu.