Lock Haven Campus Community Helps Local Families in Need Through the Annual Adopt A Family Program

Lock Haven



A group of girls standing in front of a truck.

The Lock Haven Community Service Office recently hosted its annual Adopt A Family project in partnership with the Salvation Army in Lock Haven.

Members of the Lock Haven campus community were asked to donate gifts to children in need. Volunteers were provided a wish list of items the children had requested.

The LHU community provided 100 local children with an abundance of gifts. Without the support from the campus, many of these children would have had a less fortunate holiday. More than 95 campus volunteers provided more than 350 hours of community service to this project. The average estimated dollar amount spent was $100 per child.

Each year the Lock Haven campus community provides overwhelming support and generosity to this project. Everyone's support helps serve local families in need.

"Thank you to the Lock Haven family for their generosity to the local community. Their actions embody the spirit of the season and demonstrate the importance of giving back to others," said Bashar W. Hanna, president.

A lot of trash bags laying in a room together.


