Lock Haven Announces 2022 Academic Promotions

Lock Haven


Nine faculty members at the Lock Haven campus of Commonwealth University have recently been promoted for the 2022-23 academic year. The promotions came after an evaluation process that was conducted in compliance with the faculty collective bargaining agreement and the Lock Haven promotion policy. These promotions are based on the value of excellence in teaching as well as scholarship and service. 

"Congratulations to the Lock Haven faculty members who have received a promotion," said Dr. Bashar Hanna, Commonwealth University president. "Our exceptional faculty prepare our students for their careers and life beyond The Haven. We are proud of their hard work and accomplishments in and outside the classroom and applaud their tireless dedication to our students' futures and the Haven Family.

The following faculty members have been promoted to full professor status: Dr. Ruben Berrios, Department of Finance, Insurance, Risk Management, and Economics; Dr. Priya Poehner, Department of Middle Level, Secondary, K-12 Education; and Dr. Andrew Talbot, Department of Psychology.

The following faculty members have been promoted to associate professor status: Dr. Jennifer Bandura, Department of Biology; Dr. Gerard Martorell, Department of Management; Dr. Matthew McKeague, Department of Media and Journalism; Dr. Kayla Mohney, Department of Exceptionality Programs; and Dr. Kyle Root, Department of Biochemistry, Chemistry, Engineering and Physics.

Tulare Park, Department of Social Work, was promoted to assistant professor status.

