Lambda Pi lands national honor

Bloomsburg University’s Xi Omega chapter of Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communication Honor Society, is among the nation’s best after earning the 2019 Chapter of the Year by the National Communication Association.
Executive board members Ashlyn Burkholder, Emel Rasim, Abby Astrachan, and Angela DiPasquale and the chapter’s faculty advisor, Erin Brummett, assistant professor of communication studies, attended the Lambda Pi Eta division business meeting at the 105th National Communication Association Convention in Baltimore, Md.
“This experience of traveling to the NCA National Convention and being recognized as the 2019 Lambda Pi Eta Chapter of the Year was incredible” said Burkholder, chapter vice president.
This year’s theme at the National Communication Association Convention was “Communication for Survival.” Communications students, scholars, professors, etc. are invited to the convention to attend sessions based on this theme to participate in creative discussions.
Emel Rasim, chapter president, told how she realized how vast the communications studies is.
“This has made me more of a driven person to actually revel more in research, to do more projects, and to challenge myself in ways I have never before,” Rasim said. “I’m already in the process of collaborating with a presenter, from Virginia, I met at the convention on her project with mental illness in international students.”
Also in attendance was the organization’s public relations chair and treasurer, Abby Astrachan and Angela DiPasquale, respectively.
“Being a part of this organization and being on this executive board as the PR chair, has given me a lot of opportunities that I wouldn’t have had otherwise,” Astrachan said. “This was a wonderful experience I will be able to talk about in job interviews, on my resume, during networking opportunities, etc.”
DiPasquale added, “Overall, it was an amazing experience to be able to attend the conference with my fellow executive board members to hear about all the amazing things all the other chapters of Lambda Pi Eta have been doing along with all the things LPH as a whole is looking into implementing.”