Kendris Publishes Textbook for Counselors

Fran Kendris, associate professor of teaching and learning, has authored a textbook, Small Group Counseling: A Primer for School Counselors, published by Kendall Hunt. Kendris has adopted the text in her group counseling class.
The book was specifically written for school counselors or students in graduate school studying school counseling. School counselors typically have a case load of anywhere from 250 to 650 students to one school counselor. Because of this, much of their counseling is conducted in a small group format. In this way, they can maximize the number of students to whom they provide services.
There are also unique situations that present themselves in a school group counseling setup. For example, they must obtain parental consent, informed consent and conduct pre and post assessments. In addition, the groups must focus on specific topics related to academic, social/emotional, and career interests. The group must also fits within a comprehensive school-wide guidance system. The book provides step by step instructions on how to create, lead, and assess school counseling groups. It also provides model group examples in the academic, social/emotional, and career topics for elementary, middle, and high school students.