Jaren Tilford awarded CU-Lock Haven Legacy Scholarship

Lock Haven


Jaren Tilford, of Turbotville, is one of four recipients of the Lock Haven University Legacy Scholarship for the 2021-22 school year. The LHU Legacy Scholarship was established in 2019 by the LHU Alumni Association to encourage carrying on the Haven connection for family members of LHU graduates.

Each year, the scholarship awards up to four legacy students with $1,000 per student. A legacy student is defined as a child, grandchild, sibling or legally adopted dependent of an LHU graduate.

Jaren just completed his freshman year majoring in secondary education with a concentration in social studies, and a member of LHU's Social Studies Club. He is the son of Jeff Tilford, a 1992 graduate of LHU's health and physical education program, who now works as an elementary health and physical education teacher in the East Lycoming School District.

"I know LHU has changed a lot since my dad was a student, but I appreciate experiencing life where he did, and continuing my family's presence on campus," Jaren said. "It's an honor to be able to receive an LHU education while also following in my dad's footsteps."

"My son made his own decision on where he would attend college, but I'm very glad he chose Lock Haven University," Jeff said. "Not only are the campus renovations and housing upgrades impressive, but I'm confident that his Haven experience will be just as exciting and set him up for career success the same way my LHU education did for me."

Jaren was drawn to The Haven by the strength of its education program. Receiving the LHU Legacy Scholarship was also influential because it helps to relieve some of the financial stress of paying for college.

"It encourages me to work harder by showing me that Lock Haven University cares about my dream to become an educator," Jaren said. "I'm so grateful for the support. I honestly don't even know to express how grateful I am."

Since arriving on campus, Jaren said the relationships he has been able to build with faculty, staff and friends have been the best part of his Haven experience.

"My professors are so supportive and they're always eager to help," Jaren said. "My advisor, Dr. (Sandra) Barney has been very supportive of me, but I also feel like all of my professors recognize me and I look forward to interacting with all of them."

In the future, Jaren is committed toward furthering his education in pursuit of a master's degree in history, as he sets his sights on becoming a world history teacher.

