How about THIS internship?

Emily Haney is living in a world of opportunities this fall through The Harrisburg Internship Semester (THIS) program.
“You never know who you will run into,” says Haney, a senior anthropology major who is interning with the Historical and Museum Commission in Harrisburg. “And consequently, what kind of doors they could open for you.”
THIS invites students of all majors from any of the 14 Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education to participate in a semester long program, which provides students the opportunity to work in all areas of state government while earning a full semester’s worth of credits and a stipend of $4,000 to live in the state capital.
“The program is run by a wonderful group of people who do their best to match you with an agency best suited to your interests and strengths,” Haney said. “As an intern, your mentors also do their best to make sure you get the most out of your experience.”
Initially, Haney was apprehensive about applying. As an anthropology major, she had no background in public policy and didn’t wish to pursue a future in it. Yet, as she thought it over, she realized having skills in public policy would expand her knowledge base, enhance her resume, and make herself a more attractive candidate for when she applies for graduate school … and eventually a job.
“I have found that the THIS interns are very highly regarded in Harrisburg, and that participating agencies are scattered with past THIS interns who have been offered jobs after graduation,” Haney said. “I know that skills gained from the THIS program are applicable to any type if major, job, or lifestyle.”
Haney’s future career plans include going to graduate school for archaeology with an ultimate goal of gaining a Ph.D. in archaeology and getting a job in museum curation and preservation. She is thrilled to add her new background in public policy concerning historical preservation processes in Pennsylvania to her list of skills.
THIS program is open to any and all majors. The program adapts to the applicants interests and works to create the best possible learning experience for each individual. Not only do students receive first hand experience by attending meetings and working on current projects, but they also meet prominent state government officials making networking a huge benefit.