Home is where the Huskies are



By Andrea O'Neill '06

Even after graduating with her MBA and moving a state away, Angela DiPasquale '20/'21M hasn’t left Bloom.

As a Husky Ambassador, student-athlete, admissions tour guide, and later a grad assistant, Angela DiPasquale ‘20/ ‘21M didn’t have much free time while she was a student. Those experiences shaped her professionally and personally, and even after graduation, her love of Bloom keeps her involved on campus.

“I was extremely involved,” explained DiPasquale. “So I was exposed to many different people and ways to grow academically, professionally, and personally.  

The Communications Studies major carried an Emergent Media minor and returned right after graduation to pursue her MBA. She says skills like writing, time management, and interpersonal communication were vital in obtaining her first professional position as a senior production coordinator with Eventique in Manhattan.

“I was set up to be successful,” explained DiPasquale. “I understand how to be professional and read a room, I can write a good email and speak clearly. Being busy taught me how to stay organized, and now I’m juggling multiple events and supporting others in my office. That all happened because of my time at Bloom.”  

Even now, after graduating with her master’s degree, DiPasquale hasn’t left Bloom. She’s been an alumni panelist, guest speaker and participated in alumni socials and events for incoming students, such as Husky Decision Days.

“I don’t think I’ve said no to anything,” joked DiPasquale. “I love to talk to current and future students about my time at Bloom and tips and tricks for admissions and undergrad. A girl came up to me after a panel. She told me that what I said solidified her decision to come to Bloomsburg and be a communications major.”

DiPasquale says that even if you are fresh out of college, there is something to offer current students, and everyone’s experience is valid. She stresses that even not-so-great experiences are learning experiences and are valuable to those just beginning their climb.

“Everybody has the right things to say,” explained DiPasquale. “My not-so-great experience was great because I learned how to advocate for myself. Even if it’s new, you still have experience that will positively impact their life.”

Even though she is a state away, DiPasquale plans on coming “home” frequently to help out fellow Huskies.

“Bu truly set me up to succeed,” said DiPasquale. “I am who I am because o Bloomsburg and the people I met along the way. If it weren’t for them taking the time to help, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I want to pay it forward and hopefully keep doing that as long as they ask me.”

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