GBA springs into CUIBE Conference

Bloomsburg University’s Global Business Association (GBA) was brought to campus to inform its students of cultural awareness and its importance in our lives, especially in the business world. Every semester the organization participates in a Consortium of Undergraduate International Business Education (CUIBE) conference, and this spring the team placed fourth!
The CUIBE is a foundation that sponsors international business case study competitions around the country, this past competition held at the University of Missouri. 16 universities with excellent schools of business bring teams of four to this three-day competition. The teams are given a case study detailing a real-world business issue that a company is facing, and they have just 24 hours to analyze and create a solution. After the 24 hours are up, the teams present their solutions to a panel of judges, typically made up of executives from the company that wrote the case study. Universities that attend this conference are typically large schools, teams from schools including Villanova University, The University of Hawaii and Washington University. “These competitions really put Bloomsburg on the map, a lot of the other schools didn’t even know who we were,” shares Cameron Weeks, President.
Nidec Motor Corporation, a global leader in the manufacturing and distribution of major industrial components, was the company who created this spring’s case study. Nidec’s direct customers are service and maintenance providers, and a new trend called the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) is depleting the need for these services. The team used their 24 hours to find a way around Nidec being in competition with this technology.