CU-Lock Haven students, professor publish poems in international online journal

Lock Haven


The poems of Lock Haven University students Breanna Hanley and Olivia Hanna were recently published, alongside work by their professor Marjorie Maddox, in the international online journal The Ekphrastic Review, edited by artist, Lorette C. Luzajic.

The poems were written during a fall 2021 poetry workshop class and based on the works of Philadelphia artist, Anna Lee Hafer, a Williamsport native.

Hanley, of Beech Creek, is an English major with a concentration in writing and a minor in women and gender studies and will graduate this month. In her spare time she enjoys crocheting and playing video games with her friends. She hopes to one day have a job doing editorial work for a publishing company and write her own novel.

Hanna is a social work major and plans to graduate in 2024. In her spare time, she enjoys playing music and making art.

Maddox has published 13 collections of poetry, including "Transplant, Transport, Transubstantiation; Begin with a Question" (Paraclete 2022) and a collaboration with Karen Elias, "Heart Speaks, Is Spoken For" (Shanti Arts 2022) - the story collection, "What She Was Saying" (Fomite); four children's/young adult books; and "Common Wealth: Contemporary Poets on Pennsylvania" (co-editor).

Her forthcoming collection, "In the Museum of My Daughter's Mind," is an ekphrastic collection based on 17 paintings by Hafer ( ) and includes work by artists Margaret Munz-Losch, Antar Mikosz, Ingo Swann, Karen Elias, Greg Mort and Christian Twamley (Shanti Arts 2023).

To view the journal, visit

For more information about Maddox, visit

