CU-Bloomsburg FBLA on Road to National Leadership Conference

Photo Caption: From left, first row: Kyla Groller, Kimberly Speece, Aviel Kuhn, Amanda Kaczmarczyk, Madeliene Mamourian, Madison O'Brien, Julianne Emberger. Second row: Olivia Whitaker, Mackenzie Coffman, Natalie Miller, Logan Shoen, Nicholas Hrosovsky, Shea Hendrickson.
Commonwealth University–Bloomsburg's chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Collegiate competed in the Pennsylvania FBLA State Leadership Conference on April 12-13. The event saw 15 attendees compete in various business-related competitions. Nine qualifying members will move forward to the National Leadership Conference this June in Orlando, Florida.
Award Winners Shine
The conference culminated in the awarding of 12 honors, recognizing the outstanding achievements of these chapter members:
Computer Applications: Kimberly Speece (1st Place)
Foundations of Accounting: Amanda Kaczmarczyk (1st Place)
Foundations of Communications: Aviel Kuhn (2nd Place)
Foundations of Computer Science: Jacob Kozlek (3rd Place)
Foundations of Selling: Olivia Whitaker (3rd Place)
Foundations of Technology: Jacob Kozlek (3rd Place)
Future Business Educator: Kimberly Speece (1st Place)
Job Interview: Mackenzie Coffman (3rd Place)
Marketing, Sales, & Communications Case Competition: Madeliene Mamourian & Natalie Miller (2nd Place)
Organizational Behavior & Leadership: Aviel Kuhn (1st Place)
State of the Chapter Presentation: Shea Hendrickson, Amanda Kaczmarczyk, & Natalie Miller (2nd Place)
Who’s Who in FBLA: Kimberly Speece
Sharing Knowledge
Beyond the competitions, the conference fostered collaborations and leadership development. Treasurer Aviel Kuhn and Involvement Commitee Member Julianne Emberger presented at the Sharing with a Purpose (SWAP) Workshop, sharing the chapter’s successful Headshot Fundraiser, offering insights and best practices. The workshop was hosted by State President Kimberly Speece to allow chapters to collaborate and share success stories to inspire their peers.
Passing the Torch
The Awards Ceremony concluded with the election of the 2024-25 PA FBLA Collegiate State Officer Board. Kimberly Speece concluded her term as State President, after residing on the board for three years. Speece will be succeeded by University of Scranton’s Lamar Bishop, former Secretary.
Involvement Committee member, Nicholas Hrososvky, was elected as State Treasurer after campaigning and gaining trust with collegiate members. Hrosovsky’s election ensures the continued Bloomsburg representation on the state executive council.