CSA student earns trip to NCAA leadership seminar

Pankil Chander, who is pursuing a master’s in Bloomsburg University’s Educational Leadership in College Student Affairs program, has been accepted to attend the 2018 NCAA Emerging Leaders Seminar (ELS) in Indianapolis later this month.
As part of its programming, Chander will be taking part in several pre-work activities, including a behavioral assessment. ELS is an annual professional development event that provides effective leadership, educational and transitional programing for more than 200 current graduate assistants and interns from NCAA membership schools, conference offices and affiliate organizations.
The three-day program — which will be held Jan. 24 through Jan. 26 this year — educates, develops and connects selected participants, and can increase the likelihood for rapid career progression within college sports.
At BU, Chander is a graduate assistant with the Dean of Students and Health and Wellness offices specifically working with the The Choices and Peer Assisted Student Success program. He is also a volunteer assistant coach for the Huskies wrestling team.