Coming back to "CATCH" fellow Huskies

Dr. Elizabeth Robison '88M was already an elementary level educator when she had her first experience with the career community at Bloomsburg University.
As a teacher All Saints in Pottsville, Robison decided to pursue her M.Ed. at Bloomsburg. And even though she already had some classroom experience, she gained confidence and made multiple connections with her coursework as a graduate assistant with the reading clinic.
"It was a great program, and my experience was so meaningful," explained Robison. "We learned to feel comfortable…and that hands-on experience allowed us to [translate] our coursework. We made a connection every week."
Robison brought her confidence and ability to connect with students to the Pocono Mountain School District shortly after graduation where, 34 years later, she serves as the district superintendent. She has frequently returned to campus to recruit teachers to her district as both a teacher and administrator, and became involved heavily as a volunteer nearly a decade ago when alumni director, Nate Conroy reached out to her to participate in a round table for pre-service teachers. Her volunteerism progressed as she became more involved in annual conferences like Aspiring Educators and Collaborating to Assist Teacher Candidates in Hiring (CATCH) conferences. Robison says that volunteering is fulfilling, personally and professionally, as she sees the teacher-student connections that have kept her involved with Bloomsburg continue to expand.
"[Students] are getting these experiences at a much younger age and....coming out with more certifications," said Robison. "Those connections are made at a much broader level now, and I'm always so impressed. We always bring resumes back and encourage grads to apply."
Robison says there is a wealth of opportunity for aspiring teachers to create the same kind of connections she was able to foster while at Bloomsburg. She says that the passion of teacher candidates is palpable as they talk about their experiences, and it fuels her passion for returning to campus to offer her wisdom and counsel on everything from the hiring process to colleague relationships.
"It is so rewarding to motivate and inspire people and get them excited about the field of education. It's so exciting at these events. We need young people who want to be involved with the entire school community," explained Robison. "Investing in your field and young people makes you feel good."
If you would like to help move current students to confident professionals, let us know!