BU to Hold 9-11 Day of Remembrance
Day of Remembrance and Salute to First Responders to be Held on Sept. 10 to Mark 20th anniversary of 9-11

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania and the BU Student Veterans Association (BUSVA) will hold a Day of Remembrance and Salute to First Responders to mark the 20th Anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks. The event will be held on Friday, Sept. 10, starting at 9 a.m. on the steps of the Warren Student Service Center on the Academic Quad. The event is open to the public. It will also be live streamed for those who cannot attend.
The program will feature remarks by Stacy Garrity '86, Pennsylvania's State Treasurer, and Elizabeth Miller '17, whose father was killed in the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center.
Garrity served 30-years in the US Army, retiring as a colonel having earned two Bronze Stars and Legion of Merit for her service. Miller is a Rule of Law Fellow for September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, a nonprofit 9/11 family member group that is committed to the pursuit of justice within a rule of law framework.
In addition, BU President Bashar Hanna will offer remarks with Jared Stump, a BU student, veteran of the US Marines and president of BUSVA , serving as master of ceremonies.
Music will be provided by the Concert Choir with Alan Baker directing; the Women's Choral Ensemble with Amelia Garbisch directing; and Bloomsburg University Husky Marching Band under the direction of Gifford Howarth.