Bloomsburg University's Department of Nursing ranked sixth in Pennsylvania

The Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Department of Nursing is ranked sixth of 76 schools in Pennsylvania according to In addition, BU is ranked 67th in the Mid-Atlantic region by
The sixth annual ranking of 96.99% is based on each institution's first-time NCLEX-RN passing rates, the number of students taking the test, the program nursing accreditation, and more. The results were then compared against other nursing programs in Pennsylvania to provide the state rankings.
"I congratulate our nursing faculty and students on this well-deserved recognition," said BU President Bashar Hanna. "The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has accentuated the criticality of the nursing profession in our health care system. Our world desperately needs well-educated and well-prepared nurses, and thanks to the faculty and staff in our nursing program, we at BU are doing our part to prepare our nursing students to be the very best in their field."
"We are very proud of this ranking which demonstrates the rigor and strength of our nursing program at Bloomsburg University," said Lori Metzger, chair of the Department of Nursing. "This is a testament to our dedicated faculty who have real-life experience which they bring to our nursing program, and our hard-working students put the necessary effort into their work to achieve this recognition."
Bloomsburg University offers multiple quality nursing degree programs, including a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), and the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). Bloomsburg also offers RN to BSN and RN to BSN to MSN programs, allowing registered nurses to obtain the BSN and MSN online in a condensed timeframe.